
*suddenly a spotlight in the shape of a grille with 7 slots lights up the sky, the Tracy signal has been activated*

It’s a Yugo. 

How did I only just notice its name is Amarok and not Anorak as I’ve been reading it forever?

You’d be at greater risk of the tire blowing off the rim which is, in itself, quite an event.

I just find it incredible that they are considering a 1.9 Billion investment. I would be shocked if Lotus had brought in half that much in its entire lifespan. 

Still opens and closes, even when the electrics melt. THAT’S Rover quality.

Or get caught screwing in an elevator. Am I doing this right?

I’m betting on the Chinese what with the expansion of Tesla’s manufacturing into China.

Also, I think that meme is a bit racist.

Some Dodge products had this, turn the key on and off three times and it shows any active codes in the digital odometer display.

One more reason I love my shitty old Dakota. Temp gauge, oil pressure gauge, and voltage gauge. 

Didn’t know this existed on pickups until I passed a Tundra the other day with the back window down. Wish mine had it.

Interesting. Never knew this, thanks.

Tactile HVAC controls.

Huh. Yeah, that’s creepy.

... he said with great hubris.

You should check out projectfarm on youtube. Straight up guy who tests any and all lubricants/penetrating fluids in as scientific a manner as possible for a home gamer. Also does some fun stuff with different lubricants/fuels in lawnmower engines.

My assumption was that the body was recovered but the wreckage was left in the lake. I may be incorrect.