This comment is a buried treasure.
Do you have literally any editors? This is the sloppiest writing I’ve ever seen published on a ‘professional’ news site.
Exactly. Smooth mashed-potatoes full of butter. Buttery smooth.
Damn your diction is incredibly irritating. Please use punctuation responsibly.
Hey, people watch golf. Different strokes.
The problem is that David’s entire fleet consists solely of what any sane person would consider parts cars.
60* of David Tracy’s jeeps.
Update: Formula E still strangely boring and unwatchable.
HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaHAHAahhahahahaha. CP.
Load leveling airbags. I can and have hauled with a significant amount of weight in the bed of my 04 Dakota while pulling a trailer, airbags make it both ride better and not point the headlights at the sky. Not the nicest ride unloaded but the truck already had the HD suspension for hauling so it was never going to…
I’d recommend one of those little 12v compressors. Not the quickest or most powerful but when you need it you won’t care. I use mine a lot, excellent value for $20.
Nice Italian Job reference. Also, NP.
It sounded like it was except for the part where their car got towed in Tijuana with all their passports inside. Never said they were smart. They had to up the bribes to get the car out since it was a weekend.
I had friends who, on a long weekend, drove from Swift Current to Tijuana, bought some sombreros and mexican blankets, and drove back in time for class on Monday.
This was dumb.
I think the duck challenge catch on. Meow!
Well, yeah.
Ford fitted its 3.0-liter Power Stroke with a viscously coupled mechanical fan so you won’t have to worry about any electrified cooling issues.