
1) Poor Bruce :(

Time to call Tyrone, Azealia.

Azealia is so clearly insecure with herself. And for someone who spends 99% of her time picking fights with people, you'd think she'd have some better insults. Oooh making fun of a woman's age. Sick burn.

Banks needs to shut her mouth. Badu even was gonna take the heat on it by saying she didn't get it due to age. That's not shade. Saying something isn't your scene doesn't mean you're trashing it.

North West is Everything.

I imagine Bruce telling each daughter a different story, a la Tyrion Lannister, and seeing which version makes it out into the gossip ether first.

Oh great, another lipstick I have to have... :-)

Yeah, I hear a lot of people talk about moving to Texas. Although the ones getting a good deal on that are the Toyota employees, the company is paying for their relocation and they get to keep their current pay which means pay based on cost of living around Torrance but using it for a lower cost of living in Texas.

Working in the industry, I've heard some variation of that story so many times from so many people, it's lost some of its power, I must say. They actually didn't get as screwed over by any of their employers as some people I know, in fact. This is why all the people I know in the industry who have kids either end up

I worked in the game industry for close to 20 years. While I don't have horror stories like these, it was not exactly rosy. The first company I worked for laid me off, rehired me 9 months later, never paid me more than half the industry average salary for my position and level of experience, gave me a 10% pay cut in

Having lived through each of the dot-com crashes, I can say that having your stuff in the lobby actually counts as good news; after the 1990s crash, when I was doing a lot of consulting with desperate companies, it wasn't uncommon to find entire floors of dead companies whose landlords had locked the doors with all

I'm 32 years old and not terribly happy with my job. I want something more creative and laid-back. I love video games and have looked at numerous game design degree programs as a way to learn the requisite skills and make a start. Then, I read stories like these. I think I'll revisit the idea of making it as a

"Family of six" didn't impact his dumping in 100+ hours per week and getting jack crap in return.

I know. It actually made me tear up. Kudos to the woman who wrote it, though. To stick with somebody through all of that in pursuit of a dream that isn't yours.. that's something else.

If you haven't, you should read "The Trenches". The comic itself is ok, but the little story below it about someone's hell in the games industry (sometimes not a horror story!) is right up your alley.
Convenient link to the first story:

This is why I, working in this industry, offer no loyalties to the companies I work at. It's also why I don't plan on children, or buying a home, or anything like that. This industry is designed to use employees like a resource.

Well, just finished reading the last account. If anyone needs me, I'll be under my desk in a fetal position for the rest of the day.

Oh. My. God. That last one just broke my heart.

What do you want to bet they didn't just do that afterword and having this party outside the office wasn't a convenient way to keep them from taking their work out of the office.

I'd love to send these articles to everyone that says, "Oh what a dream job!"