
as someone who just moved to San Francisco from NYC

When she got to that door and unlocked the last lock, I was thinking damn, that's too bad it's going to end so soon ... It could go at least another 2 episodes. And then surprise! It probably will! I mean, come on, Olivia ... Everyone knows you don't trust the cowardly prisoner.

I really want to know what 5 is :(.

That being said you should be more upset by the author for some reason supporting the idea that characters must always be the race they were in the story.

I believe all of this. I knew there was now way you could healthily lose 50-100 lbs in a few months.

I was homeschooled. I followed a normal curriculum that had no religious influence at all. I was supervised by a credentialed teacher who I could email or call if necessary. I graduated two years early from high school. Nothing wrong with homeschooling if it's done right.

What baffles me is how difficult it is to get kids out of abusive homes, and they go around threatening for this? They have WAAAAY better things to be doing.

When I was 11, my grandmother would routinely foist my 4 yo cousin and brother on me. I walked them to the park, the pier, the store, pretty much everywhere. Granted, I wouldn't recommend doing it, but I don't consider it criminal neglect.

I was 5 in DC with a single dad at the time. I wandered around quite a bit.

This is crazy. A 10 and a 6 year old, together, are old enough to walk home.

Update, 6:24 p.m. EST

As the ACLU of Alabama's Executive Director Susan Watson points out, Alabama doesn't have a statewide public defender program, meaning fetuses can get a lawyer appointed with state money, but real live, already-born indigent human beings cannot.

I kept reading polish week as Polish week, in which case I imagine the prep is less manicure and more:

That whole "love thy neighbor" thing? You're doing it wrong.

I hope they sue the "church" for whatever the fee they paid for the use of the building (plus legal fees, 'course).

That is where all the good sense already leaked out of her head.

So our tax dollars go to subsidize McDonald's underpaid workers, and they can't even use that subsidy to buy the crappy food they make all day.

My husband and I both work, but we don't make a lot of money. At one point, when it was just me working, we made $37 too much to qualify for food assistance.


I would be all for this IF they would instead get these people eating healthy food. But since she just basically wants to take a giant dump on the disabled and elderly, she can go to hell.