Fellow children of the 90s, we were raised with Ms. Peters in our Saturday Morning tv cartoons. She was the voice of stray cat Rita on Animaniacs.
Fellow children of the 90s, we were raised with Ms. Peters in our Saturday Morning tv cartoons. She was the voice of stray cat Rita on Animaniacs.
I realize her personality may be, say, LACKING, but I love seeing someone with such a strong Middle Eastern look on the cover of another magazine. Yeah short non-white non-skinny girls with hips and boobs!
Also, she should stop it with the makeup. She's actually even more stunning without it.
Serious question: why does this surprise you? I mean, I know many Muslims who actively collaborate with Jewish people as part of interfaith groups and the like. Why would an average Muslim guy taking a job in a kosher market be surprising? Also, IIRC from an area I lived in with a large Somali refugee population but…
It's a job. Why shouldn't he work there? It's a grocery store, not a place of worship.
Everytime I see you post I'd like to respond with "Lesbians! YAY!"
I've got a raging cold and have been sidelined all day. I'll be in bed as soon as I can take the NyQuil and pass out. Could be worse. At least I know I won't start my new year with a raging hangover and regret from something stupid I drunkenly said!
Well, we ARE talking about a network that moved mountains trying to make Two and a Half Men last forever, so I assumed that my disgust and mostly not intentional boycott of all things CBS always included their love of sexist BS
I'm going to open a testeraunt.
"That's the way Americans are now. They're always willing to trade away a little of their freedom in exchange for the feeling—the illusion—of security."
it's not like he's ideologically wrong. he just keeps being FACTUALLY WRONG.
What exactly are Rubio's issues? That Cuba isn't a democracy? That they are "tyrants." Funny that didn't seem to be a problem when his aides went to China this summer, sponsored by the Chinese government. Where was all your "democracy" talk then, Mr. Rubio?
I've been enjoying my envelopes of pseudo-randomness as well. Mostly it's just CAH cards and games they're promoting, so not as random as it sounded originally. The envelope art is entertaining as well.
Ooooh, so that's why they asked you if you got the pack last year.
Mine too, haha. That reindeer one where they tried to escape practically made me cry but I liked it, you know?
I love my Kwanzaa bullshit. Anybody who hates it is just a Grinch. Or has an axe to grind against the game/Max Temkin himself.
My boyfriend got them, and we've been having fun trying to piece together the story on the envelopes. Sometimes we get 2 in one day and we have to figure out which one goes first.
I got the card with my name last year, so this year I got "[my name]'s butt."
Congrats to your friend! The comics are pretty funny and some are INTENSE which is suiting my mood this season. I think.
I was thiiiiis close to getting that! And then I didn't and then I was too late #mylifeisfullofregrets