
Hello fellow pin@y - “National language” is not indicative of anything. Up until 1898, the national language was Spanish for 300+ years; after that it was English. Tagalog is the dialect local to Manila but I’ll be damned if every Filipin@ speaks it. Not even my family - who are from Luzon - speak Tagalog. There are


This just made my Friday!

Ha! Killin’ it with Missy!

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

This is AWESOME.

I can’t work for people like that. And in fact, I don’t anymore. But I did spend my years doing it and it makes you wonder if you are the crazy one or they are.

I looked at their site and they’re asking for volunteers to repair something at their school. If I’m paying that kind of money they better have paid staff to take care of maintenance. When I have a party no one dictates my guest list and in fact my kids teachers we neighbors and friends and we socialized as we

I’m gonna weigh in a little heavy here because I’ve been dealing with some bullshit at my kids preschool and yes it’s princess problems but it’s still a bitch. We started receiving IRS letters this year telling the parents to start sending our monthly checks for the school directly to them. We also became privy to

NEWSFLASH: rich white people in Los Angeles can be totally insufferable. NEWS AT 10.

This crazy lady didn’t even want the parents to meet with each other.

You’ve got to admit that they’re pretty gutsy: I wouldn’t dare post a “wish list” of supplies online and charge those types of prices...

Please do not show up on the first day of school, smile to my face, then gossip behind my back and expect me to take care of your child each day do my job.

And grammar. And spelling. And coherent communication skills. And attitude. And...pretty much everything. How can somebody of such a very obvious level of dumbassery be in charge of a “ritzy” anything? Like every single piece of her communication printed here is an embarrassing amalgamation of buzzwords, corporate

Once again I take these derogatory, defamatory and discriminatory threats against both Camelot and myself personally very seriously and will take legal action if necessary

Wow. Run, don’t walk, so much crappiness from the director.

Holy crap, “aggressive” is right. What makes her think she can police parent time outside of school? Now I want to know why those teachers were fired, too!

I for one am shocked, shocked that really rich white people are making something about themselves. Oh wait, never mind, that’s the essence of rich white people culture

absolutely fucking not.

There’s no middle ground with older guests. They’re either really sweet and the best customers you’ve ever had, or they’re the absolute worst.