
You can blame entitlement on a lot of things, but not Mr. Rogers! That man was all about being nice to others and even treating puppets as you'd like to be treated. And taking off your shoes inside the house and switching sweaters.

... and they kept the daughter. I'm going to be busy vomiting up my soul for the next few hours.

Lol? I mean I usually skip out on the rainbows myself, but I've got to admit, they don't look bad at all, hopefully they'll get a better range of sizes soon.

I have so many thoughts and feelings right now.

Now playing

Funny, I was just listening to some Esperanza Spalding last night.


Hey Germany, how many goals can you score? ...about a Brazillion.

My boyfriend, huge anime nerd, keeps shaking his head at any mention of this, saying, "But it was a bad show. This is like if they rebooted Three's Company. I don't get it." To which I must respond, "YOU SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH."

I fancy myself to be a real life adult with a job and a 401(k), but WOW that hit me right in the childhood. I can't wait to check this out. Thanks for sharing :)

It could have used more of me, but otherwise it is pretty good ;)

I will say this - I have worn them horseback riding, and they did hold the ladyfolk in place for a good canter, which is lovely. Sure I had bits and pieces sticking out here and there, including a strange secondary armpit boob, but as my friends pointed out, the horses don't care.

Nope. So sad, but I spent a ridiculous amount of money on one of those suckers and the damn thing does not fit right. The size above does not fit right, the size below does not fit right. Either the band fits but my two breast friends don't, or the breast friends are comfortable for all of ten minutes before they

I got mine in red and my partner says I look like a comic book hero in it. :)

I just wish they weren't shiny and didn't go up to my neck.

This bad boy is for you: http://www.herroom.com/panache-5021-f…

I have it in a 38GG and have taken to wearing it all of the time. It's even helping improve my posture. Pro tip: Do yourself a favour and measure, then use their "universal size" chart.

Yesterday in my yoga class, there was a woman with very large breasts taking the class with, no joke, a yoga strap around her chest, looped all the way around her torso under her armpits. One of these:

I don't know where to start with this rubbish that you posted, I'm "dark-skinned" African; and I'm not naive to the biases and privilege that comes with color related politics in different Black communities and outside the black community in the U.S. As an individual whose dad is considered "light skinned", my mom is

i taped the word "santa" to a gourd left over from halloween

When I was in college, my housemates and I made BRA TREE because we couldn't afford ornaments. Also because #feminism.

My husband made a decision to stop buying each other gifts years ago. It makes our holidays WONDERFUL.