
About time, but they lost me a long time ago. I tried to like it, but the way they talked about bio vs adoptive mothers bugs the crap out of me. I don't think I was supposed to root for Regina, but she was trying to be a good mom (in the one season I watched. I don't know if that holds true later on).

I want to be your friend and get homemade creams!

Electric Youth by Debbie Gibson - 6/7th grade

So tell him he has to give you a big bottle this year for Christmas!

High school: anything by Avon (my mother was a rep, so it was free!).

A few years ago I got Ginger by Marc Jacobs. They had put out 2-3 scents that in my opinion weren't really full on perfumes with many many layers, but more like light fragrances using 2-3 notes. (Now that I read a description online, they are referring to it as a cologne for men and women, so no wonder. The series was

As a baby, my perfume-loving mother would put a single dab of perfume on my head. I've loved perfume ever since.

Got my first perfume at around 14...so 10 years ago. It was Spirit, by Roots. Pretty much in the clean/citrus/almost unisex category. Got bored quickly.

Another Lush fan here. I adore Sikkem Girls.

Faves, in roughly chronological order:
Muguet du Bois
Lolita Lempicka
Indian Musk by Annie Oakley
Burberry Brit
Hanae Mori Butterfly
currently, Honeysuckle by Demeter - boyfriend loves it.

I wear a rotation and combination of Lola by Marc Jacobs, See by Chloe and Chloe by Chloe. I used to wear Stella by Stella McCartney a lot (I love a particular kind of light floral, can you tell?) but that sort of fell out rotation without intention.

I buy really cheap Target shower curtain liners, PVC-free, $2.49, and just throw them out when they get too gross (scrubbing and bleaching can really only go so far). The worst is that pink slimy shit that grows in showers- I read that it's bacteria. I would rather buy a new one than spend the effort to clean the

I mean, I definitely live-tweeted the whole thing, and complained about how bad Carrie's acting was the entire time. I didn't have many problems with anyone else's acting, possibly because I was thinking about it as a stage show. Well, I didn't like the way little Brigitta played it, but clearly I'm biased.

I've been stuck on level 315 for days. Hell is level 315. I thought it was 79. There were other levels that had their grips on me.. But I think 315 will be my undoing.

We can start referring to them by their names now. They are actresses. If we can remember Lily Collins, Zosia Mamet, Miranda Kerr, Jessica Chastain, we can stop referring to these ACTRESSES as Crazy Eyes and Taystee in headlines.

my nephew's preschool is very healthy. they give the kids granola, quinoa and sushi and tofu. the first time it was time for my SIL to bring food, she's going to bring all kinds of junk food :P

For me, it's not so much "sweet" as it is "oily and waxy", and man does that put me off the feed. I used to go apeshit over Reese's, but I think they either changed their recipe or use cheaper ingredients nowadays. It really hit home when I saw a video of a British man eating a Hershey's bar. He was absolutely

So one thing I've always wondered: what is the difference in candy sales in years when Easter is early vs late. I've never seen Easter candy go on sale before Valentine's day, but that means some years it's only sale six weeks and some years more like eleven. Do the manufacturers and stores budget around this?

I'm over at my parents' house right now and it's been super quiet bc the weather is crapola. Looking out the window, there are probably only 5 houses other than ours with their lights on :( But I always remember Hallowe'en having nasty weather and there being tons of kids out. Snow, hail, rain, wind, fog, and freezing

Pretty sure that all weather is candy weather.