
“Skyyyyy Brockets in flight... 4-12 delight...”

Colorado & Oregon are both terrible! Do not visit!

Colorado sucks to live in. It is great for the occasional visit.

This. The terrible part.

Danny McBride needs some work.

Miata illegally passes over a double yellow on blind turns and almost causes a head on collision? Maybe that’s what was wrong with it? I dunno though, I’m just a human being with eyes.

Sometimes in the evening I hit a little THC and sit in genuine, silent astonishment that Donald Trump is the current president of the United States.

To compensate, Musk decreed that the the steering “wheel” will be an obsidian triangle; speedometer will be replaced with a falcon screech loop and battery level indicator with varying intensity peppermint smell emitter.

At least he had enough emails that he didn’t have to re-open submissions on Twitter this morning like he had to yesterday with the Jaguars.

The entire article could just be this gif and it would convey more than any number of words ever could.

I had never heard of it before this. I love how there are like 5 different references to it, with specifics of where and what he drinks.

We are Froot.

But, but... BOSTON LEFT (I refuse to call it a Pittsburgh left because Pittsburgh’sone redeeming quality is that it isn’t philly)

Racism? At an Indians game?

And yet they pretend the NHL doesn’t exist.

So long as you consider it a sport, the most mentally grueling would be either F1 or NASCAR. I don’t like them, but they’re making 8,000 calculations a second in a steel cage, with the constant specter of death hovering over you. That’d be my pick.

I’m not, really.

skimming the beach on their ultra-low takeoffs and landings

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”