Ref mistakes not withstanding, the fact that this series has been this close with the back end essentially being Chara, Kevan Miller, McAvoy, and 3 guys from Providence is impressive.
Ref mistakes not withstanding, the fact that this series has been this close with the back end essentially being Chara, Kevan Miller, McAvoy, and 3 guys from Providence is impressive.
Remember, the rule book goes out the window for playoffs. Can’t have those pesky whistles get in the way of the flow of the game.
*unless someone touches Crosby or Ovi then there are more whistle than a group of catcalling construction workers.
Typical shithead Republican—truth counts for nothing. If lying left and right gets you to sucker dumbasses into believing your effed-up cause, no matter how utterly anti-American the lies are, then so much the better.
Tanner Glass, now Tom Wilson. Damn when the superstars get hot!
dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity
Counterpoint: Fuck the Pens.
Typical socialist Europeans giving something away for free that you could easily charge extra for.
Not that I’m biased*, but Dortmund is the best club in the world.
What about Anal Roberts? What are their recruiting policies?
Imagine an industry where a large percentage of it’s employees end up with neurological problems and the public just shrugging it off.
Doesn’t your second paragraph disprove your first?
And that’s why “moderates” are absolutely as culpable for the current state of affairs as the left and the right. They’re so desperate to maintain their illusion that “both sides are the same” that they see the right’s fears that Obama would do things that they completely made up themselves and the left’s fears that…
Though I concur with this article, I would like to point out that it is not just men. Most of the political writing on gizmodo media or whatever this is now completely ignore the existence of conservative women. There are just as many of them and their vote counts just the same and no matter what people say, they…
Nah he’s the dirty shit talking rat that every team and fan base would love to have (as long as he backs it up with goals)
This happened with 40 seconds left in 1st period, not in the first minute. Marchand is a shitheel, and despite the incredible season he’s having, makes being a Bruins fan harder.
Yep get those cars off the roads until they can learn to drive safely!
We are all going to die. Why should any of us bother with training and clubs and things? Yes we train to reach levels of success but we also train because getting better at things gives us satisfaction and purpose.
Fine, there are worse and stupider things than e-sports, I apologize without reservation to the Gillette Razor and Chemical Weapons Corporation
In theory, we give gifts at weddings for two reasons: