
I play on both, but mostly pc. I’ll add you next time I boot it up! Ryuu Wuffs I think is mine

Well thank you~ :D

Haha, thanks :P

It was in replay mode so it doesn’t display them

Now playing

Nothing terribly impressive, but I had this one earlier today that I’m pretty proud of :P

Wow, someone’s butthurt.

So, he finally made a potentially tolerable video? I might check this one out now.

I’m just saying that for giving an opinion, a thought, this has been a hell of an in-depth and intense response. The hype is too real, I guess.
Do I care if it’s bizarre? No. I’m not one of those people trying to unravel the game, I just enjoy watching it and the theories surrounding it. I just said “It might be this”

I’m not trying to argue here. I gave my opinion on it based on, you know, how it looks.
If it gets you to feel better, okay. You’re right.

But think like Cawthon, with the rest of the games. Everything date-related, even including the chronological order of the games, is only hinted at. It never just states “Oh it’s this year.”
Also note that I never said that this specifically was the bite of ‘87, I said that it seems like a tape and not a live

I think this might be a video tape, not a live broadcast. Taking into account how young the kid is, it might be one of the older videos that the family had.

Serious question though, any dino-on-guy or dino-on-dino action?
I’m asking for science.

I love these games, and I laughed. :P

I was also wondering about that. Abilities that just affect heroes, not necessarily damage them, can stop turn-ins and stop point captures, such as Nova’s holo-decoy. Hopefully they had the foresight to fix that preemptively.

Zeratul was on Red, so he effectively saved the enemy’s core from being destroyed while they were there. So it’s the same situation, but he saved the wrong team and cost them the game.

I thought Gnar was annoying until I saw his /dance in his dino onesie. Cutest thing ever :3
I definitely have to get this skin now.

I wonder if they’ll do something for The Ship. That game has everything I love in multiplayer games, and I’m beyond excited for the HD remake.

I tried to shoot her, but I might have misclicked.

I also told Athena to kill Cassius. Yes, he wasn’t directly responsible, but after what Athena has been through I wasn’t going to try to make that choice for her. However, since I waited until the last second to make my choice, I heard Gortys say “I’M Atlas, too! Am I

I think it would have been great if they had hammed it up at the time. With the silence it feels... painfully awkward, haha.

Your name makes me imagine Faith using a Banana Toss instead of ever shooting, and I can’t say I hate that visual. :P