
That, I don’t agree with entirely. They don’t need to change the whole system to cater to people who decide to use other peripherals than the one that the system itself comes with. They shipped with the gamepad, every game uses the gamepad to some extent, and if the gamepad is that much of a game breaker for someone

Amen to that. I was SOOO happy when I found out that you could turn off the motion controls in the 3ds Majora’s Mask. It was a cool idea, but impossible to play if you were in a car of something.

You make a really good point. And it looks like they’re going to handle it well which is really refreshing. They’ve also been doing a good job of realizing that not everybody loves their “innovative” controls so I think they’ll be pretty careful with this one.

Yeah, definitely. They’ve learned how make it all work out which makes me still be hopeful for it. I just hope they don’t over estimate the amount of “fun” split-attention controls will bring.

I’m really pumped about there being a new Star Fox game, but I’m not entirely sold on the new control scheme. It feels like the Wii U has managed to keep itself away from gimmicks based on its controller pretty well lately (something the original Wii suffered from), and making both screens function this way feels like

I know. It’s also an attempt at slightly playful banter in the spirit of friendliness.

Says the fox ;P

Didn’t know it took all that. As a Hunter who’s opposed to rolling alts, fuuuuuuuuuck me...

It’s actually a full-on lesson plan with PDFs and lectures (you mostly need the PDFs), taking you from printing things to the console to making trig calculations (where I currently am), to programming AI in a full game. It even has practice exams to test yourself, but since it isn’t scheduled you can go at whatever

If you ever wanted to give it a shot, I’d suggest checking out http://www.gameinstitute.com/
It’s what I’m using currently, and aside from my lack of motivation it’s been really great :D

That’s a really great attitude from them. I would hate to be in the position, but it’s good that they didn’t just give up due to the (many) similarities. Both sound awesome, and I’ll be checking them both out :)

I’ll have to try that. I ignored them during the first match but forgot that it doesn’t block them anymore. I would have LOVED to have him on the opposing team, haha.

That’s straight up fucked up. Life comes before video games, and people need to understand that especially in the MOBA scene. I do think that would be a cool way to handle negative players though, since it would end up grouping the toxic player together more over time.

That’s true. I guess it’s just a luxury I miss from League

One big change I’d like more than anything else is the option to never be queued with certain players again. There was a Nazeebo last night that blamed me for losing us the game in the pre-game lobby because I wanted to go Tyrande, then I ended up with him on my team the very next match where he refused to help anyone

I’m fairly bummed to hear this, but as long as they can keep it from being another Microtransaction: The Game I think it’ll be okay. I love this game and have kept my sub active ever since my preorder.

Seriously. This kid has had his own iPad since he was 4, and it from the original article it sounds like he didn’t much moderation until this point. I ended up getting “game days” from my parents from a very early start and it helped teach me some seld-moderation.

That just means Blizz believes in you! :D

Tier doesn’t matter, as I’m talking about general play (read: not ranked). In high tier “casual” games, there still isn’t a meta because there isn’t a pre-game to make there be one. In ranked, yes, but that’s a different beast. Of course there would be a bit of a standard. It’s ranked.

And as for the development paths,

Honestly, I love that there isn’t a pre-game setup like there is in Dota or LoL. It prevents the ever-worshiped “Meta” from screwing with what people want to play.

If I want to play Tyrande or Slyvanis, I can do so with absolutely no pressure because of my team yelling “You can’t play ____, we need a _____!” That’s