
Same here. I love that you can do that. It’s like they want you to know what you’re actually buying before you buy it :P

It also gives you a good way to save on money with skins. When you look at a skin for a champion, it shows you the actual character model so you know exactly what they’ll look like on the battlefield.
That’s one thing I can’t stand about League’s skins. “Oh, that looks like a really cool skin from the splash art! I

Some of those things sold for bank, too. In Seyda Neen, I’d always steal the silver dishes and Imperial gear just so I could start off much richer than normal.

I’m really torn on this. This is being done by the team behind “Evermore Park.” They showed off the park at the last SLC Comic Con and did a really good job of hyping it as much as they could, but now it’s just... well, sitting there.
They said that it was going to be “bigger than Disneyland” which is something you

Yeah, I guess that hair is more red than Kaioken. Ah well :P

That Goku one is a little insulting...
There’s no way she’s going Super Saiyan there, that’s clearly Kaioken x20.

That’s really good to know, and I’ll have to keep an eye out for that :D
I was mostly saying about the Titan for money, haha. There’s no way in hell I could get one of those yet.

Well yeah, but then money.

Huh, that’s good to know! I’m currently running a 7...60? I think, at least. I might go ahead and give it a shot then, thanks for the head’s up!

I can’t wait to get this on PC, but I’m waiting until I can pick up the GTX 980

Second video brought this to mind:

Personally, I think that having a paid model is great idea... on paper. Think about games like Shadowrun Returns for instance. You can pour a lot of hours into making a new, well fleshed out campaign and get something back for your time.

Also, not mine but my fiance’s (he doesn’t have an account).

In WoW, they were playing on a private server. He and some friends were dueling just outside the portal for Carazon while they waited for the rest of their group. They were playing on a private server at the time and it still had the bug where, if you put a

Haha, that’s amazing! I loved Morrowind more than Oblivion or Skyrim. It focused more on “Here’s the world and the rules. Go have fun.”

Boots of Blinding Speed in Morrowind. The boots that this guy would sell you would fortify your speed by... I want to say 100 points. So you see that and think “Awesome!”
However, there’s a secondary effect on it that blinds you completely. So yay, you can run fast but you have no idea where you’re going apart from the

We broke it :’(

VorpX is a phenomenal product, and really opens the use of the Rift up quite a bit. It seems to basically run it as an emulated screen that takes up all of your field of view, but I’ve been playing Payday 2 with it for a bit and it is soooo much fun. Plus it makes sniping a hell of a lot easier.

Is it bad that this video actually sold me on not getting it? Don’t get me wrong, gore in a game is nothing, but it feels like they killed off what was entertaining about fatalities. They took the dark humor out of it completely and instead wanted to show off how gory it could be. I’m pretty disappointed that they

Meanwhile in Assassin’s Creed: