
Okay, haha. I wasn't wanting it to turn into an argument really. Think we both sounded a little hyped there, so I do apologize there. Sincerely. But yeah, that early Nocturne back when I was, what, level 5-ish? "I want ability power because I want my abilities to hit hard!" Umm, no. :P Sorry for the hype, and for

Of course games typically go for up to 45 minutes or longer. I was going off of 37 as the baseline that, you know, League of Legends used on their own support site. I agree it's not proportional, but more is still more.

Also, I got in at Season 1. Nocturne was the first champion I owned. I was absolutely terrible with

I had quit playing for quite some time in Mists of Panderia (grinding for weeks only to have nothing drop), then I finally decided to reactivate my account to run some heroics with my fiance. For the first 5 dungeons, everything dropped that I had been working on before, and I was the only Hunter in each party :D

An average 22~23 hours of gameplay to get 6300 IP, assuming you're getting your first win of the day bonus each day. If you only get your FWOD bonus each day, you'll already have 1750 or more at the end of the week. That will leave you with 4550 to go. Without boosts, a 37 minute game (win) gives you 100 IP. 4550/100

$250 spent and you only have 2 skins?
In a week of pretty damn casual playing, I typically have enough IP to buy a handful of the cheaper champions, or one of the 6300 ones. It is seriously not that hard.

Granted, this article is coming from the same person who says that nobody should ever care about League's story

Oh okay, I'll go ahead and just record something that was about 10 hours of gameplay ago, about a month ago. Yep, I'll get right on that.

I would believe that they are. I was playing as Franklin and running from the cops. I hid out behind a store while I had 2 stars. The police showed up and another black NPC started to run, so they gunned him down. I dropped both stars as soon as they killed him, and it was nowhere near the amount of time needed for

Not to mention the amiibo says "Link," and even the title of Zelda II is immediately followed by "The Adventure of Link."

Amen to that. I'm 22, and I would never, EVER pull this sort of bullshit because I was upset, regardless of how upset I was.

I think it's more accurate to say that you don't "need" to give a shit about moba lore, not that you shouldn't. With nearly every other genre "lore" or story is important to at the very least give context, but then other people give mobas a pass because "it doesn't matter" for some reason, haha.

Find a way for me to star this all fucking day, please! :D

You hit the nail on the head right there. Comic series, a tv animated series, SOMETHING to make us care about "League of Legends" the IP, not just "League of Legends" the MOBA.

It's like Ranked Dominion all over again with them..

They've been giving up on lore for a long while now. Ever since the release of... I want to say Jinx, they've been throwing lore out the window and retconning their own game, which is very disappointing to me.
"Nocturne is in the League because he was killing people in their sleep, so the summoners set up a trap for

Just glad to know I'm not alone here, haha

HotS allows premade teams in all modes, but due to the fact that it's still in restricted beta people that we would have full teams with often don't have access to the game in the first place, so a pug or two pops up once in a while. Along with the ranked play in League, where League only lets you queue with 1, 2, or

I would like that, but I could totally see it being exploited. "Hey dude, get me out of here." "Okay, I'll come vote you out later."
Maybe they would have to reach a certain level of consistent niceness to be able to be an ambassador first? Then it would be based off of stats and not an honor system. I mean, I've even

HotS does too, although I do with that they would include a "MIA" ping. Instead we need to ping 2-3 times to hope that our team translates correctly.

No Highlight Reel this Friday!? Chris, you give me a sad! :'(