
I replaced my XS with the SE! It was honestly the right choice. I’m having to retrain my muscle memory back to having a home button, and it’s a bit weird going back to the black bars at the top and the bottom, but I always preferred touch id to face id, and the size is way more comfortable to me

You’re a fucking moron. We’ve ALREADY passed the annual flu deaths in the US in just three months. The CDC reported 34,000 deaths from the flu in the 2018-2019 season. COVID-19 has killed 59,000 in only three months, and we’re nowhere NEAR the end of it.

Well, Musk predicted near zero new cases by the end of April, and that is off by a magnitude of near infinity, so I’d say Musk definitely does not have the better handle on this. The death toll from this virus has been, frankly, incredible. If almost any other thing had (1) caused 50,000 deaths in a single month, and

The text that comes before the recipe is not mindless filler—it’s

I think you will have also forgot the Boomers that won their High School championship!!

I actually read “In this economy?!” in Gary Gulman’s voice...mission accomplished.

You got a weird way of joking.

Most definitely the cat. 

Pretty sure the idea of an eclair is suppose to be “all awesome, all the damn time”

We have something similar in the Pittsburgh area called 412 Food Rescue.

Alternately, these are not the snacks I’m looking for.

HOAs exist so Karen has another manager she can call.

Hell hath no fury like an underachieving middle class American with an over-inflated sense of self-worth being given the slightest modicum of authority, perceived or otherwise.

You mean the Aisle of Dreams?  I fucking love the Aisle of Dreams.  

It is long past time that Elon was ushered off to his base on Mars. Mars loss will be our gain.

I’m generally a fan of the kids-behaving-badly plot