
yeah, this is more like “#1 takeout item by ‘Yelpers’ in each state.”

Michigan is “bubble tea?”  you’ve gotta be shittin’ me. 

usually when someone tells me something is an “acquired taste” I find that I don’t wish to acquire it. 

I guess more people are cooking and realizing that certain things, like lentils, are good to have on hand, because they don’t exactly expire.

I still think he never actually wanted or expected to win. go back and look at the videos of him when the election was called. he looked stunned.

You remind me- I forget which magazine it was, but I remember a satirical publication spoofing The NY Times “All the news that’s fit to print” slogan:

as is tradition

the headline made me think “what could a condom manufacturer possibly have to do with food?”

I notice a disturbing lack of Sleazy P. Martini. 

not really. shortages of certain things are because people are panic buying a lot more than they used to, not because there’s none being produced.  

Get Springfield Cashew Chicken out of your dreams and onto your plate

I think in those cases, they see it as “if I was president, that’s how I would be. Push people around, make them be nice to me, and if they make me mad I’d fire them.”  

and whose real name was Marion Morrison. 

Why did the Empire use AT-ATs? because they didn’t have Warthogs

According to multiple ads I’ve seen, we are in this thing together.

the point- not that you’ll get it- is that if you’ve grown up in a situation where your father can just give you $20k and you can use it for investing in a business venture, you are starting out so much further ahead of everyone else it’s not funny.  

Too much of a good thing?

While Twitter has spent the better part of the past 24 hours arguing over which piece of Chex Mix is the best (rye chip FTW),

that picture makes me happy.

IME nobody pays attention to the arrows anyway.