The Saudis have top notch training. Collateral damage in a bombin campaign has little to do with that
The Saudis have top notch training. Collateral damage in a bombin campaign has little to do with that
Some days aren’t about you.
Common courtesy is seriously something these people need to look up.
My son’s on the autism spectrum. He’ll be turning 8 next month, and we’re not doing a party because I’m afraid this exact thing will happen to him. (We’re taking him to an amusement park instead)
For fucks sake. When I was young, even if I didn’t want to go to a classmates party, my parents dragged me there anyways. Some days aren’t about you. Plus, you get cake. Go to the party!
Yeah surely the parents got the invites? Children are frequently assholes but for all the parents to not have their children attend is inexcusable.
Why would you let your child be this cruel and turn down this poor child’s party? WHY ARE PEOPLE BAGS OF DICKS!?
I disagree. The benefit to a small screen and high resolution is high pixel density. Image will look considerably sharper because the pixels are closer together. This also eliminates the need for antialiasing.
My god. BB is my favorite.
I know this isn’t production ready...but this example here wouldn’t meet the exacting standards of a Cabo Mexico fiberglass boat hull repairman.
HIGNFY is a great show.
This honestly has the be the most cost effective modern weapon platform made- clearly it seems to me to be of any aircraft- edging out the C-47 years ago. Hell, it's going to end up with the longevity of the Brown Bess to top.
Light dont travel well underwater. and water will distorted and bend light like ballerina in ballet
Why would you want to broadcast your position?
I think you mean awesome ship names. And they gave us the Dread-nought, so I think they win just from that alone.
Would you rather have Stennis and Vinson? Racist Congressmen make great namesakes.
Will cause? Dude...this battle is long over. Ask yourself this: who has the data? Google does. So does Bing. Apple does not. End of story. Maps does not and SHOULD not rely on marketing and Google has as much or more technological prowess as Apple. They’ve already won the maps war. Apple lost. The game is over.
(7) That's Eli Manning, who could have provided more field level pictures of the fight, but he spent the entire time trying to get a selfie with the Candlestick scoreboard
DSM-V is rewording/reorganizing the substance abuse section to better address issues created by the confusion the APA created by differentiating between addiction and dependence in the DSM-IV.