
But how will I know how to Google Google’s Videos?

Over-worked, under paid, under appreciated and surrounded by shitty kids? Yes give that person a firearm.

This. I’m an adjunct at a large University (I don’t really think of myself as a “teacher” although that is my occupation). The last thing I want is to become a primary target because it’s my job to defend my students, many of whom are probably much better qualified to defend themselves as they are all adults.

There are a TON of people that support the idea of arming teachers. In fact, it came up on my facebook feed from a crazy-person relative of my husband’s.

Maybe they will give it the Blade Runner treatment and put out a new version with an extra 17 seconds of footage every few years.

What a confusing and exciting time.

Yes they are.

If you’re not aware that clean, fresh water is a shrinking resource, then you need to do some research.

If it’s from the 60’s TV show, you are completely wrong. :)

You were so preoccupied with whether you could, you didn’t stop to think about whether you should.

You mean like Eminem today?

It really doesn’t compare at all. An entry level Macbook doesn’t nearly have this type of power or specs (If it is really “two times faster than a Macbook Pro”)

I’ve translated it to plain English, so you’ll understand:



Also, could people please remember this the next 100 times a comment section here is filled with people talking about sororities as nothing but a group of girls buying friends. Here’s one example of why organized groups have value: there was an organization available to make an official response, and they have an

Great article, dude!

Have you ever seen Snowden and Scissorhands in the same place tho.

Cool story. Now find published references which describe each and every claimed element and predate the application. You don’t get to just wave your hands and say “that’s obvious”. Not to mention that before the Supreme Court’s KSR decision you also have to find references which teach explicit reasons to combine any

There are lots of pretty decent Hovertrax knockoffs all over Asia now. Cheap as shit too... and, guess what? They work and they’re super fun.