
Really enjoyed that camera shot as May and Lincoln took off from the plane. But still guessing who the Hydra villain trapped on the other planet is going to be?

I'm really hoping there's an episode where the boys all get email and Trent (Cleveland Browns boy) just receives messages from Ray Velcoro.

Grandma playing Eddie's entrance music is unlikely to ever get old.

The Buffalo Bill in the Haunted House had a really laconic Billy Murray vibe.

It was a good look for him. He's got enough sway in his walk to really make all the long dangly stuff move.

Weirdly enough their pop culture roles have kinda shifted. George Michael has a habit of getting sleepy high and arrested where Boy George turns up wearing a hat and reflecting on how his own anger issues stem from his Dad's abuse.

Wham Rap and Princess Di hair were plenty humiliating and there'd be scope for jokes about Barry going to the same hairdresser as Bev.

I'm wondering if there was a writers room discussion on the The Goldbergs on whether Barry would dress as Boy George or George Michael? To be fair he pulled it off almost as much as my Dad and his 80s moustache.

To be fair I looked it up so probably don't deserve any kudos.

Do all Police Chiefs deliver their morning briefings from behind a lectern? I thought it was a Holt thing or at least a Police Academy BJ setup.

I really need a gif of the gofer and George Segal laughing in my life. I hope their similarity was intentional.

Black John Turturro is the insult that a John Turturro character would use.

Really, really enjoyed the Major and Ravi get high plot. It managed to be lightweight and yet still set in motion 2/3 plot lines that are left hanging at the end of the episode.

I really like what they're doing with Eddie's friendship group. Those dorks are making me giggle and it puts Eddie's antics into context.

Dunno how Eden Sher has managed to get even better this season but she managed.

Peter MacNicol's professor is growing on me. It's interesting seeing him play a badass rather than a dweeb or madman.

You can't imagine that multi-lingual, Fassbender looking, damaged individual/nazi-hunter getting laid a lot in various locations in the late 50s early 60s?

No communal showers in the converted warehouse I lived in. I was in the part called the dungeon. I couldn't stand up in it and it was permanently sweaty. The council emptied the bins so little that my housemates ended up storing the rubbish in the lounge and pulling out the sofa beds to cover it up for a day. Weird

Yeah Ferberizing sorry about the typo.

Sure I never rang home crying but lonely Freshers Week Sue really hit home for me. Never got into halls so was perpetually the guy on the outside of friendship groups (that never really changed). Think I realised things were going weird when the computer room security guards started including me in their rounds of tea.