
Thought that was Martha. She doesn't look the same without a cast.

Pft, Margo's not channelling Jack Sparrow it's definitely 90s British R&B sensation Gabrielle.

Can't believe you've left out Cutthroat Island. Pure sex in that.

I think we all know grease monkey is a transferable skill in the jungle.

The pizza at my school was baguettes cut in half with tomato sauce and cheese on them. Then left under a heat lamp for multiple hours. It would have made your London Pizza Hut seem like heaven.

I was at high school in the early noughties and the social change between me and my sisters is mind boggling to me. I remember there being 3-4 people in the school year who went to gigs and liked rock music. I can vividly remember the christian girls worriedly warning me of the depressing nature of my music. And yet

Like the type used in stereotypical Italian New York restaurants in all the films? There definitely weren't those in 90s UK pizza huts. Mostly Jurassic Park merch and branding.

I don't know if pizza hut is necessarily the same here in the UK. I can't remember there being white table cloths. But it does seem that fast food choices are heavily encoded by advertising in childhood. I remember getting annoyed with my parents because they never took me to pizza hut. Looking back I realise that the

The sofa that looked like elephants was glorious.

It can't be. The film with the dream sequence that brings Shia back to life can't be all bad.

Yeah that would have been cool. Her getting repeatedly annoyed. "Why the F am I degrading in this bloody fake world."

Zombie Gemma really does love telling people she thinks are artificial constructs that they are artificial constructs.

That was some damn great blood and whippit acting.

Still waiting for James to get his Guardian shield right side up.

Pretty jealous of TJ Miller's pad and outlook in this episode. All clocks and bantering with people while you barter at a garage sale. In some great duds as well.

I've enjoyed how Vigilante just being a masked person has allowed them to have a recurrent annoyance rather than a big bad continually popping up. Every time a villain recurs in the Berlantiverse normally it's as a mandated guest star. This is a little more lived in way of doing it. It's made the city feel a little

Thanks for the words. The column's encouraged to me look at scenes in other ways and sometimes to roll my eyes but I've always enjoyed the detail.

Sorry about your friend. I've never been to New Zealand so I don't think it's me.

Sure I foolishly stayed til far too late in the wee hours for an end credits scene but I caught the typo in the thanks to the australain government.
