
Considering its an Amazon device ... I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it might be intentional.


Actually, the obscenity here is your intolerance. We have the 2nd amendment for a REASON. Not everyone who likes guns is a murderous criminal. I have owned guns for MANY years...and used them responsibly. The only things I have shot are inanimate objects. Paper targets and beer bottles have much to fear from

You're strange.

Great post. I also double up my sleeping bags for winter, using a 20 deg down bag and a 28 deg synthetic quilt. I've read that doing so helps keep the down dry as water vapor from your body passes through the down bag and condenses in the synthetic on top, rather than cooling and condensing in the down. Also any

Margins on PC sales are very low. Manufacturers use the bloat they install to make money that offsets the low margins.

No.. the way it has worked is someone creates something, like above, then only insiders that care about it read it.. then it moves to manufacturing... THEN and only if it makes it all the way through, do we hear about it as consumers.

Now playing

Here's a cool comparison of SPDY (Basis for HTTP/2):

I'm gonna be suspicious if you start covering 3 person bags ;)

have you ever tried never anus? I'm going back for seconds!

Cheerful reminder: accusations of narcissism usually come from other narcissists. I don't know the situation and neither does anyone else besides what a single person who might have just gotten spanked more than her friends did told you. Hurray!

No, I don't. Your comment is actually pretty rude and over the top as a response to mine.

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If

You have to feed the tents now? Back in my day...

I'd assume that statisticly the Americans hiking and camping don't fit a lot into the "wide and heavy" category.

This site is fucking pathetic when it comes to 'net neutrality'. It must be hard for you guys to be all pro-hacker and Snowden/Wikileaks fanboys while at the same time arguing that the same oppressive surveillance state they fight against should have sweeping regulatory power over the internet. Cognitive dissonance

You mean to tell me that you didn't create an account at some point to make a comment you really wanted to make on an article that interested you? I know that's how I started out.

See... I'm not sure this is a great idea. If the govt starts treating it like a utility, like the manage power utilities and the old Bell company, then they control what it can and can't do, which means change is highly controlled. In a utopian society where we have intelligent and informed overlords, that might be

Kinda strange for an effect to be taking place without a cause. Global temperatures have been flat for just over 18 years. Any effect should have stopped years ago.