
Literally the worst color in the Crayola box.

Raspberry Pi's are so great to have around! I just finished my college senior project for my major in which I built a 360 video camera (named Pi of Sauron) to shoot video for the Oculus using 6 Raspberry Pi's and camera modules.

Raspberry Pi's are so great to have around! I just finished my college senior project for my major in which I built

Well, this just gives a whole new meaning to the word "pussyfoot".

Weight transfers to the rear when you have traction, but what about when you don't have traction because you have no weight over the rear wheels how does the weight transfer to the rear?

Never figured the woman that did this would ever get hired again. Apparently, she now works for the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Clearly, the attitude of deniers

Well, that's certainly a surprise.

If the executive branch proposes anything when it comes to security, it will always come with encroaching uopn civil rights. It is the very nature of the executive branch. They get a bit power hungry. That is the very reason the legislative branch should be making the laws. They don't benefit directly from their good

Of course, there's absolutely no danger at all of the FCC abusing its regulatory power once Obama gets his way and classifies the internet as a utility. That would never happen. Lets just keep cheerleading that.

Anybody else wondering how he had a ticket for the game?

Yeah, this is a totally unrealistic depiction of dragons!!!!

Cruz had no power to single handedly shut down our government. Have you any idea how our government is structured? It is absolutely impossible for one man to shut it down.

And what exactly is wrong with any of those statements? Most of them seem exactly spot on.

"the most talked-about crap movie of 2014"

There are movies way, way crappier out there. I don't know why Gizmodo (and some other Kinja blogs) hate The Interview so much, feels almost like they launched a vendetta against the movie.

They would just run the person over and wonder what that bump in the road was.

Beer + Whiskey blend = Hop Scotch.

I should write a whole article about it. In general, education is more effective than a set of rules. LNT is very one-dimensional, doesn't work much of the time and doesn't seek to educate people on how to reduce their impact on the outdoors if what they're doing isn't LNT. Sometimes it makes sense to bury your poo,

ya u gotta fight the man and buy shitty shoes!!!!