
For Tekton and not for you, since you’ve already responded very reasonably as Tekton dismisses my repeatedly starred post because it makes him look like an idiot

For Tekton and not for you, since you’ve already responded very reasonably as Tekton dismisses my repeatedly starred

Silly Dell kid. Marijuana is a Gateway drug.

I am SOOOO hoping that when we do finally meet some aliens that they are more fucked up than us, just so all the people who complain about how screwed up humans are will maybe shut up for even a minute.

Oh, give me a break. Any alien race is likely to look and act different enough from us that they will have a hard time distinguishing a male human figure from a female human figure, much less racial cues or dominant/submissive gestures. Can you tell male and female dolphins apart without being told what to look for?

Because aliens are definitely going to be sophmore college students who just had their first gender studies class.

If there’s a HOA, then the HOA could deal with it themselves — unless they said it was okay, so whoever this was kicked it up to the city level.

They do show it. 2:00 is the best view, but also at 1:31 and 1:53, plus several other times.

I think when Steve Jobs was talking about a stylus, he was probably talking about a stylus as a primary interface device. Not as an artistic tool, which is what this is clearly designed for.

Size doesn’t matter.....a pulse does !

The fuck does that have to do with anything? Names like Remington, Colt, etc. we’re names long before they were synonymous with guns.

Please stop telling people how to live their lives.

Is this really a thing? In a world where unfathomable amounts of data are pumped through the internet every day, people are trying to figure out the representation of a simple graphic that uses the least memory?

Aside from the window dressings of a more engaged government, they’re meaningless.

The manager is correct. As a manager I help those who help themselves. Those that have initiative, a good attitude, and a desire to learn- I am happy to provide any help or mentoring that I can. However I am far to busy to handhold someone that wants something handed to them.

There is no reason why cars are boy toys and dolls are girl toys.

Oh, my. Amazon forces you to shop for boys’ toys in the boys’ section.

Let’s just make it one big store with no signs and no labels. Fuck you all, find your shit!

I agree, PC is a joke anymore. you do realize that while you all celebrate this as some sort of victory or a step forward in progress, everyone else is shaking their head in disbelief that you even give a fuck that toys are labeled? i have too many other things to worry about, get a life.

I love Target, and I’ll continue to shop there frequently. And I really don’t care too much about the gender labeling thing, but I can’t help but think it wasn’t necessary. We’re living in a world now that is increasingly offended over anything and everything, and we can't keep going out of our way to satisfy

With the environmentalists? Get real.