
I think you mean the higher the chance is it’s a coincidence. These two being a coincidence means there is not a causal relationship between the two, nor a common cause for each.

It's a shame you've been denying us your insight for so long.

Yay! Sexism is cool, when it’s against that icky male gender!

So wait, you’re accusing Norbs of…acting like an Android user?

Don’t be absurd. Retina screens were a real, discernible improvement. Beyond some point, the improvements are imperceptible. I don’t know where that point is, but I’d say on screen sizes of around 5”, it lays somewhere well below 4K.

I’m not defending her work. I’ll take your word for it that it’s terrible. But, for whatever reason, she and the books have their fans. So people should let them enjoy their interaction on Twitter together, instead of ruining it with childish behavior. Live and let live.

I doubt they’re as clever as they think they are. I’ve got a feeling those tweeting at James haven’t read her books, so they’re simply repeating what someone already wrote.

You’ll have to update to iOS 8.4. Settings > General > Software Update. Once installed, you’ll see a new Music icon. Launch it, and it should prompt you with an option to start a Apple Music free trial.

Instead of #2, you can also tap and hold on a song or album, and then select “Add to Up Next”.

Case in point.

You can do that in Apple Music.

I’m sure opponents of free speech everywhere will be disappointed to know that this flag is not actually being banned.

Barr was a terrible candidate, for several reasons, to represent the LP, and I’ve got no explanation for how that came to be. Regardless, marriage equality has been part of the LP platform since its founding.

He came out for it after Biden forced him to (good on Biden for that). His former advisor, David Alexrod, defended him by saying that he was “lying” when he said he was against it. Some defense: Obama isn’t a bigot, he’s merely a liar.

Kobo and Nook both support ePub. You attached them to your computer via USB, then copy the ePub files to the device which appear as a drive.

I’m a bit miffed, too, but for the opposite reason. I own a first-generation Kindle Paperwhite, and I want an excuse to buy the Voyage. Now I’ve got one less excuse to buy the Voyage over the new Paperwhite, and yet, I couldn’t bring myself to buy a new Paperwhite while my old one is still going.

It’s a building for their staff to work in, not a self-sex act. And speaking of which, there’s no masturbation without ‘u’.

Calling a building, which clearly serves a purpose, “pure masterbation [sic]” would be stupid even if you spelled it correctly. And preemptively calling disagreement with your statement “sycophant blowback” is also stupid. You said something wrong; don’t be surprised when someone corrects you on it.

What is it about Apple articles that bring out so much stupidity from people who ostensibly don’t care about Apple?