Jimmy Tinsnips

Didn't the original include a musical number wherein Pete's family gleefully sing about having a "bill of sale" for him?



More of a Blake Supine man, myself.

He lives in my building, but I signed a confidentiality agreement, so I can't tell anyone.

Who's playing Heckle?

Walking Dead at least has exceptional visuals to cover up the idiotic writing.

If I remember correctly, one or two of his PR folks also worked for RT, the propaganda arm of the Russian government.

Also a pretty clear violation of the Espionage Act.

His other comments include suggesting a nuclear strike on Mecca. He's a real thinker, this one.

The other night I…something something…Mount Saint Edalide(?)…LEONARD BERNSTEIN!

It's hard to hide from a dude who says he's open to using nuclear weapons and wants more countries to have them.

Isn't it always?

Or, "Calling for your opponents' executions and encouraging dictatorial foreign powers to commit espionage on American soil is maybe not the most American value."

Yeah, but Jimmy Morrison was a hack, and that's being charitable.

And she's right.


…you mean send Trump to the White House, obviously.

Make America Frickin' Sweet Again!

I have heard several Sanders cultists say precisely this.