Jimmy Tinsnips

Shit, make sure you declare that as income, or you will Get In Trouble. Source: Forgot to declare a 401(k) cash-out years ago, am still In Trouble.

That kid was so annoying. The demon at least had a personality.

It's all they have, and it isn't even a Legitimate Thing.

Of course the Austrian insists we need to Support the Fascist.

Worker exploitation, destruction of entire industries, flouting municipal and state law, and routinely covering up rape are acceptable because the service is convenient for you. Got it.

…according to this study with a whole 20 subjects making subjective judgments based on nebulous "Emotional Categories".

…you mean the Kremlin Connection that news services refuse to do any actual reporting on? The one where one anonymous FBI dude says, "Oh, we can't find anything!" and the NY Times decides that's enough, disregarding the preponderance of evidence circumstantial and otherwise?

Technically, every story is in some way inspired by true events.

No, it's Borneo.

"Close to unwatchable" describes almost everything Kevin Smith has ever done, to be honest.

The ending is one of my least favorite in literature, and it just goes on and on and on.

Didn't King write it at a "sexual age", though?

Half of "It" is a great horror novel. The other half is mawkish dreck. The book also contains one of the worst sex scenes I've ever read.

I will watch anything featuring Mary Tyler Moore. She's just so damn perky!

"Lily Tomlin as the increasingly annoyed 'LSD guide' trying to talk him down."

Everybody feels the wind blow.

I misread that as "sugar mimes" and became briefly paralyzed with fear.


Ten minutes into the first episode, I began projectile vomiting uncontrollably before going into a tonic-clonic seizure until my neighbor rushed in to turn off the TV.

The entire run of Kids in the Hall.