Jimmy Tinsnips

Sounds like someone doesn't understand how the government of the United States of America — or representative democracy with a legislative branch generally — actually works.

It's about goddamn time.

Yes, the woman whose party platform calls for federal funding of homeopathy, and who claims the reason studies show homeopathy doesn't work is that there's an Evil Conspiracy between Big Pharma (those jerks!) and the FDA—she should be president, because she is obviously Not An Idiot.

She's so thin!

I thought this was a gender-swapped remake of the 1998 coming out dramedy "The Edge of Seventeen".

I was just reading it!

I just rented "Soft-Boys: Picnic Panic XXVI" last week!

Yup, it's the one about the lady who claims to have sex with ghosts.


If you can ignore the hippie bullshit gibberish lyrics…it's still an awful song.

"According to Sheila E., Prince’s injuries were the result of many years of performing—and, specifically, jumping off of risers and speakers—in high heels."

Easily one of the most overrated books I have ever tried to read.

Shut the ferret up, motherferret.

La Croix, sweetie! It's alright, isn't it? A bit tight, but it's alright, isn't it? You know, people will think, "Wow, it's a La Croix!", okay? I just can't find anything to go with it.

Testees is awful. You chose correctly.

She's stuck in that David Lynch movie?

Jewel has always been. She has no age, for she was here before time began.

Jar Jar Binks makes the Ewoks look like… fucking Shaft!