I’m not one to fact check but it is absolutely not dark. In fact, on winter nights, Winnipeg is by far the brightest place I’ve ever been to. Because its so damn flat, the sky is usually so damn clear, and the snow is so damn reflective, it is oddly bright every night all winter. I am much more comfortable…
Scott Gomez! I got a book that was like “Top NHL Stars” or something and had a one page write up on a bunch of players. This was 2000 and I was 5. The first page I opened to was Scott Gomez. Who I immediately decided was the best and refused to believe was not the best for many many years.
not so fast
i think if it was that case they would have played terribly, lost a bunch of games, then get voted into the playoff for no apparent reason, lose the play off game but still get voted #1 after
extremely Canadian answer: Simon Whitfield gold in Sydney
eagles are incredibly overrated. especially bald eagles. spend some time in a town (not a city, but a town big enough to have a dump) on the BC or Alaska coast and see how you feel about eagles then. you’ll be longing for that annoying chickadee call at your window. worst bird of prey imo
one thing about letting steph shoot contested threes is that they’re worth so much. if steph makes 3/6 contested 3s that’s worth way more than 5/6 routine layups even if it’s a similar number of points. 2 or 3 bombs from steph has the crowd freaking out/dead quiet, the whole warriors lineup excited and motivated, and…
ive heard this term thrown around a lot but can we agree that jose is quite easily one of the most righteous baseball men
you should flip the order on these things. like do the best team from last year first. then we get to hear about one team went out and got kenny stills who sucks and then the next day listen to different fans complain about how their team gave up kenny stills
as a proud winnipeger, please, please, please, please take the jets away
I’ve had 6 concussions (rugby), and to be really honest, the only way to treat is that if there is suspect that a player has experienced a concussion, then they’re out of the game. Plain and simple. For everyone one of my concussions, I could have kept playing (the first 2 times I finished the game). The problem with…
Timofey, its really time to let the past rest man.
i legitimately thought it was the situation from jersey shore
love to live in canada where you can’t watch basketball if you cant afford TSN 2-47. did enjoy watching a 2 hours of whitecaps mls pregame tho
i hate absolutely anything and everything related to captain america. part of that is because i hate nationalism, but still. it pains me greatly when people say he’s obviously the best avenger