Jimmy Rustles

That'll teach em to cast women!

I love how everyone is even acknowledging he makes good points but choosing to ignore them because of a phrase he dared to utter. The comments here kind of prove his point.

Are you… schizophrenic?

Well she's extremely successful based on her writing and directing. One would think you'd have to have intelligence and people skills to make it thus far. Which is why it's so bizarre to me she seems oblivious.

I don't like to accuse people of bad intentions without like, knowing them personally, or hearing them state their intentions. The work on it's own is troubling. To go after Lena is mostly unproductive I've found, and then you get MRAs agreeing with you.

She sexually assaulted Ray, showed her genitals to her boss in an attempt to gain power over him, and laughed at the guy nice enough to pick her up for being sexually abused by his ex girlfriend.

What concerns me is that based on the interviews is that Lena doesn't seem to understand the character she has created. I'm almost led to believe she would defend this behavior and not classify it as sexual assault.

I watch it, and will continue to watch it. It's actually amazing in it's own way. But up until now, I've found Hannah's behavior to be forgivable. The show seemed like an exploration of the trainwreck of youth. That's what was interesting about it. But things have been pushed so far that if the show doesn't deal with

Well she broke up with her boyfriend an hour and a half into a road trip by physically running away from him because she didn't want to talk or explain herself.

She sexually assaulted Ray in the last episode. I mean, that's the end of the line as far I'm concerned. There's no longer a way to defend her behavior.

I don't like Tatooine. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.

Right it was impossible for her to do, because her job description doesn't cover finding more money. So she has zero reason to feel like Jason went around her back when he went to the actual people who could get more money and had been promising him from the second he was picked he could shoot film.

So your justification for her ego is that she should be allowed to have one because she is a black women? Are you kidding me? That is such a reach it's almost not worth responding to.

IF they shot it in a shack instead of a house they could add more days to production as well! But they had already scheduled the 20 day shoot and made it work. That had been the plan for months and they were all fine with it. Why would he take the days he never needed over something he truly believes will make the

Yes a professional laughs and exclaims "That's awesome" when they find out someone quit because of something they did. She didn't even have a single moment of self reflection. She instantly went to pure joy and glee over the drama she was involved in. I don't care who was right before, but that was the most

Well she just got new representation and has quite the fan base. People are trying to turn this into a black woman vs white male thing, and while Hollywood is both racist and sexist, this is not an example. This is a proven drama queen not being able to work with a person she didn't like from the start.

She laughed when she found out Peter quit and was super happy with herself. You don't need to be a therapist to see drama-seeking behavior.

He was picked entirely because he shit on the script. This is the director's job. It's not privilege or entitlement. He's doing what he was picked to do. Make the best movie possible. No one else working on this movie has their entire future career on the line. The line producer is never blamed if a movie is bad. The

Not to mention the director is 100% held responsible for the quality of the movie, and is the only who's career is on the line based on its quality. He should and is doing whatever it takes to make it great. It could end up sucking, as a good movie is a small miracle, but not through lack of his trying.

That's the thing. He is quiet, calculated, and emotionless. He is being stubborn, but not out of ego. He is trying to make the best movie possible, and he is getting everything to do that regardless Effie keeps telling him is impossible. I don't get why people are hating on him. He isn't mean to anyone. He doesn't