Jimmy Rustles

She is a line-producer. Exactly. When Jason goes to the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS to gain more budget, no one has stepped on her toes. It isn't her job to find money. As you said, It's her job to stay on budget. He got the budget raised, she should be happy for him and the project as it will now be better. Instead she

You realize Peter did his literal job description right? He is higher up than Effie on the producer chain. He is a mentor. What he did in no way effected Effie doing her job. The only thing it effected was her ego. She laughed when he quit. He volunteered his time to Jason when he quit. One of these people cares about

"Effie did her job. Jason had a tantrum and used his preproduction time to sow discord within his own production because it didn't occur to him to tell anyone in a decisionmaking capacity the truth."

How is her borderline psychotic reaction to drama better than Jason? She is the definition of a drama queen. Yeah, apologizing would be week for her to do, but the fact that she is in gleeful over causing someone to quit and putting the production into possible shambles means she should not be on this project. Her

Implying "the boys" aren't just as hard working. She said it was impossible to shoot on film and was insulted. "The Boys" made it happen. In her own words, Jason made the impossible happen. I'd be mad too if I treated someone like an entitled piece of shit who doesn't know what he's doing who then does the very thing

Entitlement? He is pushing to make the best movie possible. Just look at him. He seems borderline autistic. He never seems to be speaking from a place of ego. This is why Ben, Matt, Peter, the writer, all these people like him. They can tell his passion is to make the best film possible. Maybe it sounds entitled, but

He did his literal job, as was described at the beginning of the show, and it in no way effected her job. It only effected her ego, and that's why she had a temper tantrum with him. Notice how she always gets mad and says something is impossible, and those impossible things keep happening.

How is it inappropriate for Jason to actually go to someone who can actually get shit done? Effie told him it was impossible. Jason made it happen. She's not mad because he went "around her back." (To another producer who's specific job is to work directly with Jason and help him) She's mad because Jason did what she

Effie told Jason it was impossible to shoot on film. She was "insulted" and dismissed him every time he brought it up.

How is he an asshole?

I think the idea was that the music industry is toxic to both men and women and it's not an exclusive gender issue.

A lot of the orange/teal look comes from the actual colors put into frame and in Michael Bay's case the film stock he shoots on.

SSN got leaked. Email addresses, credit cards, private conversations, identity's. Imagine someone went through all of your computers history, and just start publishing away for fun.

We have slightly different rules for public figures which are still unfair to them as individuals, but that's neither here nor there.

I'm sure Sorkin knows that the fact a North Korean hacker group stole information and leaked it and is making threats is news worthy. What people write in private emails that in no way effects your life is not.

Yeah, who you vote for and how you live your life is definitely going to change now that you know which movies have privately tested poorly that are still in editing.

It's almost as if people are willingly forgetting the Rolling Stone idiocy which completely backs up many of Don's concerns.

Untrue. You are told to lock your doors and avoid dark alleys for these reasons. Obviously after the fact is pointless, but prevention is not victim blaming. It's just common sense.

Do you have any idea what would happen if we pitted accusers against who they are accusing on live TV? Or if we just decided to destroy the lives of anyone accused of any crime?

"The issue is that rape is the only crime where the fact that a crime has occurred is doubted as the default."