When all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails
When all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails
Now we need an article about putting motorcycle tires on cars. I could kind of see a drag racer wannabe setup where you have two bike tires on the front and really wide tires on the back.
Counterpoint: Miatas are low volume and have less vehicles to spread development costs across on their unique platform. Mazda is not exactly swimming in cash. Miatas have no direct competition in the small RWD convertible department.
Oddly enough he sold it back to gamestop for $13 in store credit.
Imagine being so poor you have to know what time it is lmao
Never seen fans turn on an announcement so fast.
“Shift smoother, Robert, I nearly spilled my highball.”
“I just like to see Geoffrey change gears (*Sulu laugh*)!”
They just need to sell Ford loot boxes. For $100 a pop you can open one and hope that it has an option you want for your vehicle. It will mostly be terrible paint colors and ugly plaid patterns for your seats, but you can always hope.
I always wrung my hands and worried about the (apparent) hundreds of people that would be killed in the dense, blurry Mode-7 city grid far below the floating raceways of Mute City whenever a jump off of one of the ramps went awry... that black plume of smoke... I imagined the screams in my head
US consumers: haven’t had a meaningful raise in decades.
I am going to blame the ground crew for not getting the tire pressure correct with a digital gauge on the left main gear causing it to skid.
I think you could actually make money with this SRT4.
I’m just here to tell Jim Spanfeller, Paul Maidment and the rest of the cowards to get fucked.
You guys are awesome. It is not hyperbole to say that this site often gets me through the day. Keep up the good work, and for the love of god do not stick to sports.
Very nice of them to go shirts and skins to tell them apart in that video apparently taken with a toaster. My kingdom for a pixel.