Jimmy Pebbles

I will never tire of saying this...

He argues it is “identitarian,”

I can understand now why UBER thought he was a good fit 

Guys, it’s not Patriots fans who suck. It’s people from Massachusetts. 

He probably just wanted to get to the locker first so he could put Weezy on the locker room stereo instead of Eli’s country music shit…

Four days after it aired, and five days after he apologized for it, and more than a week after it was filmed, Jay Glazer reported Thursday night that the New York Giants have fined Odell Beckham Jr. for remarks he made during a surreal interview that aired during Sunday NFL Countdown last weekend.

If only the people who caused the financial crisis in 2008 saw a punishment nearly that harsh

I mean, he’s not wrong. This article, particularly the headline, makes it seem at first like Carell is making a “audiences these days are just too darned sensitive” statement like Jerry Seinfeld or Chris Rock.

brown was robbed! #VoteBROWN

The game’s plot involves the cantankerous Wario deciding to get rich quick by going into video game publishing and selling as many games as possible. The trick, he figures, is to make the games last about three seconds each.


I gotta say, respect to the Madden curse for really upping its fucking game. No resting on laurels there. 

Having podcasting for 5+ years prior to quitting about a year and a half ago, I can confirm that you have to create a “character” for any endeavour such as this. You do this not just for the audience, but to protect your own mental health/privacy. Tearing down those professional boundaries can lead to loads of pain.

I don’t like him. He’s too neutral...

I was thinking exactly this while watching the video

From my perspective, I love it.  I will be able to afford one on 7-10 years.

TO 2.0

Now playing

The only acceptable instance of food-related ballpark violence: