
There are four rankings of classified information in the American intelligence community. Confidential, Secret, Top Secret, and code word clearance. The information that President Trump divulged was considered code word clearance-level intelligence, and thus it was above the Top Secret ranking in clarification.

I’m so relieved we finally solved our drugs, terrorism and human trafficking problems so that law enforcement can focus on the things that really matter.


Yay Trump is saving the auto industry, he’s so great, so tremendous, he has the largest hands of any person I assure you.

All the props to him for making this mistake on a track.

Man, that 911 looks weird.

Chevy HHR? There’s your first problem...

Instead of bitching about it maybe share one if it matters so much to you.

Because private *everything* costs more, because profit. So for a public utility, it’s:

No no no no. I write all this stuff and then get a chance to ask the very people who made it about it? You don’t turn down these sorts of opportunities.

Actually, doing an irresposible thing in a car is how I BECAME a MOM!

More importantly, if you’re set on rolling your suspension, just buy a lesser model and save yourself the sheckels.

Boxsters and Porsches in general are quite reliable if maintained properly hardly driven.

That’s probably because they couldn’t find someone to sell the TT to.

I don’t fault these ladies for what they’re doing at all, power to them. I do however think that anyone who actually regularly uses their services or “needs” it to enjoy the game is very strange.

PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.

“Buy ‘em out, boys!”

It really is the little things.

This makes me all warm and tingly.

I agree 100%