I’ll never get this argument. You’re buying the performance, not the name on the badge.
how else are the people going to learn about gta vi
Sedan with more storage space and slightly worse gas mileage. That’s a pretty good compromise.
Mitsubishi 3000GT dude needs to take a clue that even an authentic Colin McCrae (the worlds greatest rally car driver ever IMHO) rally car only garners $300,000 dollars.
Best program to improve the lives of Americans I can think off: (1) prohibition (alcohol and weed)
Shit, a story from where I actually live. o_o I’ve driven by her car daily on the way to work, never assumed people would have an issue with it, infact I always assumed those lay-bys along the road were for parking anyway, wtf else would they be for? Pretty ashamed by the people around here right now, didn’t realise…
That isn’t a hearse, it’s actually an old school ambulance.
A lot of people do like the hearse. They’re dying to have a ride in it.
Close, the Trump years.
It’s so unfair that Usain Bolt only competes against humans. He should have to race a cheetah so that he’s not winning a medal in a competition with mere bipedal apes
Poor snowflake, women ruin everything.
Yeah, these men are really showing they are capable of being rational and reasonable
OK, now to be serious. I would have gotten a 4-cylinder Mustang no matter what, it’s honestly what I wanted.