Jimmy Joe Meeker the second

Social skills here means the ability to screw over other people, manipulate them, and play social corporate games. The problem is what makes a person a good engineer is also going to make him find what it takes to become a CEO in this era to be unethical, dishonest, and generally repugnant. I’ve seen engineers who had

On one hand I cheer the effort to have engineers compensated in line with their impact on bottom line while on the other hand he made it to CEO so what has he done to fix the problem?

Two “Twilight Zone” episodes in one.


As shown by the actual data the 2016 proposed route would be just as ice free at the median of 1981-2010. That means if the technology used today existed 30 years ago this trip would have been possible to do.

Furthermore, that link, that’s the one (or very much like the one) I handed out in previous discussions. To you as well if I recall correctly. Because it shows that ultimately the entire discussion of warming relies on the opinions of men on how to adjust the data, not actual measurements.

Here you go again. You want to discuss me because you don’t want to discuss the facts. You want to find and concentrate on some flaw in me. That’s the way politics and religions work. No sir, you fuck off.

So very sad. You’re babbling and declaring what I know and don’t know with no basis what so ever.

Except if you’re a man you’re still responsible for keeping your stuff secure.

If the brakes weren’t upgraded that’s certainty.

I am not offering an opinion, I am defining the term as most people use it.

And now you just twist things and claim victory in your fact resistant and fact free crusade. This is why climate change is politics and religion and not science. I don’t refuse to believe anything that is backed with measurements. You babble nonsense, throwing shit against the wall hoping to get something to stick. I

In the USA safe means: “How well does it hold up to being hit by Canyonero doing 70mph”. The beetle is not safe by that measure.

Model T wins those awards. However the beetle can with the notation of being functional as a DD in modern traffic with reasonable modification. The model T needs a bit more work than a beetle for that. It can be done though. Only a function of how long ago the last produced car of the respective lines was made.

I know what it is. I dismissed your mention of it as babble since you want to disregard the USA for a much smaller area, so I simply discussed the global data set and the alternations to it.

Yes, it’s very clear you have no clue and what I have brought up is well over head.

What’s your background? You want to measure dicks, slap yours on the table first. Odds are better than 9 or 10 that you don’t measure up to me. But that’s what it comes down with small minds, you always want to make things about people instead of the actual facts.

And the wackamole continues. New subjects! What about this! What about that! What about grey aliens dissecting cattle?

More name calling. How cute. When we are discussing getting a ship from point A to point B it only matters to know where the ice is and where it is not so you can avoid it.

Two demands for credentials. How cute. My credentials are irrelevant. The data speaks for itself.
But if you must know, more than Bill Nye.