Jimmy Joe Meeker the second

And there we go, the appeal to the modern satellite record beginning at an ice maximum being the only possible source plus a demand for my credentials. Oh so typical. The facts are the facts. You don’t want to accept them and that’s fine. All the data I have presented comes right from the official sources. If it

So cornered again, you change the subject.

Furthermore we can see that there is a near perfect R squared value between their adjustments and CO2.

One of the tricks of those playing this game is truncate data. Usually starting at year where the value in question was remarkably high or low. For arctic ice this is the late 1970s.

If you want to be gamed, be gamed. Or you can learn how to understand data, gain a larger historical perspective, understand data

So what? Means nothing to the point I made. The fact remains a cruise ship taking this route is a statement of modern technology not climate change.

The temperature graph is of the -adjustements- made to the temperature measurements by the climate scientists. They adjust more distant past years colder and adjust more recent years warmer. they also adjust way the very hot periods in the first half of the 20th century. There adjustments also have a remarkably good

The cruise ship is not going through Prudhoe bay. As shown above at the 1981-2010 median it is clear sea to go right past Prudhoe bay.

The subject here is sailing through the arctic. The simple fact is that this cruise ship through the arctic is being presented as something remarkable when it is not. It’s an expression of 21st technology. The ability to obtain ice data in timely usable fashion. You did not know enough history not to foolishly fall

“An icebreaker”

How clear a particular route is at any given time is greatly dependent on the prevailing winds, currents and other factors.

Here’s the Ice as of yesterday:

So everyone learns to be a true believer or at least give in to social pressure.

Knowing history helps understand what you are told today.