Jimmy Joe Meeker

You come to where I live. You drive I-294 at 55mph, the legal speed limit. You get back to me about obeying the letter of the law. Or better yet, a safe driver like yourself can take something like one of my cars out at 2am and drive where I tell you just like you do on your way to work in the morning and you’ll get a

You’re making assumptions and drawing conclusions from them. Which is the point I’m making. If we pretend for a moment the car is a Honda Accord driven by sally soccermom what are we looking at? We’re looking at the result of sally dodging a squirrel or something, not some madman. The photograph indicates relatively

That’s not speeding. Speeding is exceeding the the number on the sign.

Nobody is going to pay for that without even an injury. You’re struggling to come up with rational justification for an emotional reaction.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote.

Oh my.... children without seatbelts. I was a child in the 1970s. This is not some shocking horror to me. Sorry. Yes, I always wore except in the school bus and the back of the neighbors’ station wagon.

When I was in third grade on the return from a field trip the school bus driver got up to 70mph. This was in the days of the double nickel. But what was the speed limit before Nixon farted that out a few years earlier? 70mph. Of course I didn’t learn that until later. So the example it set was that laws are made for a

Speeding isn’t one of the charges listed. All the charges were made by people who were not present and didn’t witness the event. It is assumed because the car is on its roof the driver was speeding. By the condition of the car if there was any “speeding” it was on the same order as the driver of the next Camry that

“More importantly I’m sure they called in an accident reconstruction specialist who can tell how fast you were going from the marks on the pavement.”

As I predicted you’re the first of the simpletons who think pointing out the failures of the article equates to “defending the guy”.

“Speeding with kids in the car with a suspended license?”

Be gone, you dishonest, lying, makin’ shit up, name calling, troll. Go stalk someone else with your late-ass replies.

Now playing

“The police conclusions reported by the Daily Mail and the Mirror have yet to be verified by other source”

All of that and it comes down to something the daily fail reported?

Some dogs are better drivers than others.

And all your hard to find trim parts are broken. The cops don’t take the cars apart carefully or with the proper tools.

“I am curious to know what kind of crap field test they use that it’s wrong over 20% of the time.”

But open cars herald back to the days of iron men and wooden wheels!

The computer controlled quadrajet has a solenoid to allow the computer to control fuel mixture. Otherwise it’s a normal quadrajet.

I doubt they are removed. The trucks are most likely simply worn and broken. Also under a good number of regs emission controls shut down or minimize under WOT. Or at least they used to.

Even 40-50 years ago coal-rollers level of soot meant something was very wrong.