Jimmy Joe Meeker

The joys of government largess, QE, NIRP, and ZIRP.

He could have created most if not all of those computer files himself and that would have typically been the way it would have been dismissed. Previously the only places for them to be interviewed were on shows like Art Bell’s “Coast to Coast AM” at best.

Government’s reaction does say it all and it was very

Hacking and leaking the results is the natural extension of tactics the CIA has been using since the 1950s.

This is what the political establishment does when it can’t deny that evidence that shows “conspiracy theory” is actually conspiracy fact, they blame the process by which it became public. They attack the leaker. They claim the leak is fake, a lie. They do these things and more in the combination that works for the

Because Ford doesn’t build cars like this to demand. They decide how many they are going to build and then reward dealers with them. Generally speaking each dealer gets one. Then additional cars are rewarded based on sales figures. Usually all of the ordinary version of the car or all cars sold or some calculation of

There is no such thing as exceeding predicted demand with cars like these. Ford does not build these cars to demand. They decide how many they will build and then allocate them to dealers. They are sales reward cars. They will not build them to demand unless demand happens to be _lower_ than plan. Demand is expected

As I’ve been saying the automated driving future will not be a paradise of speed like the old GM Motorama films but a slogging Claybrookian nightmare where were every speed limit no matter how absurd will be obeyed. All it will take is some number of crashes of people who decided to set the automation to go faster

If we really want to get technical the first explorers were a package on pickups.

I’m a real liberal, in the 18th century sense of the world. You’re just a another “progressive” asshole with great ideas to force on everyone else.

Trump? You seem obsessed with him.
But I’ve grown tired of you. don’t expect me to read anything more you type.

Your father was a sociopath eh? That is isn’t a surprise at all.

It may be something with kids of those who left. One of my Russian neighbors told me the story of how he got his living room furniture. According to said story it was of the type reserved for Olympic athletes. Much like the stories of buying a car. He doesn’t seem to have any love of the USSR but he’s probably 80

You’ve never met socialists and communists? They will frame the whole thing quite differently but yes there are people who want to bring back these sort of economic systems where resources are politically allocated.

Ford Mavericks are essentially smaller first generation Mustangs. The only reason to have played with them brand new would have been for rust protection (which would be for just about every car in that era) and to modify it to make it unique as people still do to brand new mustangs.

The place holder enterer must be someone who believes in the Chinese lucky number 8. In the USA an obvious or at least typical place holder price would be all 9s.

“EV sales have fallen well below President Obama’s goals”

You’re making conjecture and the point of this conjecture is go along with the desires of the so-called elite for regional and eventual global governance or suffer. That’s the premise here, that trade is contingent upon this particular political system because trade is being held hostage to get agreement to it. It

What’s up with you assigning arguments to me. Go argue with your blow up doll.

Now playing

You’re not getting it. The front track of a ‘79 CJ-5 is 51.5" (