Jimmy Joe Meeker

So you’re saying the EU will hold having power over the UK as the cost for trade. It will punish people in the EU with higher cost goods and the people of the UK with less of a market for their goods because the people of the UK decided they didn’t want obey EU dictates.

This website has been producing a stream of anti-brexit articles. Most of which mention how stupid people were voting to leave the EU. This article doesn’t even need a brexit angle. And could be written the other way around.

“Given that the Vauxhall is identical to the Opel short of the whole left versus right hand

So what you’re saying is the EU will simply erect protectionist barriers to keep UK products out.

If they want to make it bad they can make it bad. If they want to make it good, they can make it good. So why are we getting this regular feed of brexit will be bad articles?

It’s not free trade. It’s managed trade. Those rules are about managing the trade. Many people in the UK were managed out of their livelihoods. Dude, you could like, maybe pay attention to more than what your dear media spoon feeds you and maybe figure out the people who voted to exit the EU weren’t just a bunch of

I’m sorry, I forget that most people can’t see the obvious nor have bothered to learn why say an automotive website would have an every other day article on the horrors of brexit or some other thing our dear so-called elite want for society. I remember when what is today’s EU was considered the rantings of raving

Thanks for wasting my time with what I already know. Again none of the benefits of trade requires being a member of the EU and following their dictates.

Such clauses were and still are speculative on how brexit plays out. I’ve not speculated what will happen only that it can be better or worse depending on how it is handled.

I have more of a clue than you do.

I realize gawker media pressures these sort of articles into being (because our betters want to condition people into their schemes) but really there’s no necesscary relationship between EU membership and trade. Trade can be far freerer outside the dictates the EU or less free depending on how it is decided to be.

Now playing

The real reason for the latch is for the trunk monkey option.

reply went in the wrong spot. nm

given the kind of lawsuits filed against automakers those sound reasonable.

It’s actually about 10-25 cents when the latch is designed for it and production volumes are high enough. If were $5 it would be millions of dollars per life.

Aussie hoon laws are very severe. It doesn’t take much to find yourself without your car. I don’t know what went wrong down under where you could get some sweet cars but if you dared use anything the car could do beyond a stock model T ford you’d be severely punished.

missed the not: would not have wrecked where they lived in the first place

Not political correctness police. I am just not in the mood to deal with a couple dozen people who decide they need to correct me because I wrote the unspeakable.

They could go other places. Europe simply became the best option. Why? Why does europe have attract them with welfare benefits? Why does europe accept them?

“we” didn’t do anything. The US federal government and its allied governments intentionally made the middle east more unstable. But that’s only the recent history. Muslim immigration to France goes further back. It’s been amplified as of late. Middle east destabilization by the western european powers goes back to the

In other words you do not want to state a reason for voluntarily moving to place where based on one’s demographic and judging by the long history of that place one would be mistreated. It’s not like we both don’t know the reasons, we just aren’t supposed to state them.

There are places where a person of any particular

True, but the various political and economic rackets continue, perhaps stronger than ever at the moment. When in excess these tend to either boil over into conflicts or conflicts are used to distract people from them.