Jimmy Joe Meeker

Then why do they move to France if the French hate them so?

More of an internet thing. Once upon a time someone came up with a window unit AC unit in a car with a generator and someone else posted a photo of it on the interwebs. Instead of everyone laughing a few thought it was a great idea and the idea has been gaining popularity over the years.

That image with someone’s logo

“with chocolate brown paint”

Indeed every last little thing to praise Mr. Musk and his subsidized electric car for rich people. This may be the worst yet. Non-red buttons were common before the mid 1980s.

When I was kid seat belt buttons were still made of metal.When I was maybe 3 or 4 years old or so I learned how to buckle my own seat belt in a

Close the underpass for everyone because there are a few morons. That’s the new american way I suppose but these grade school “solutions” of punishing the entire class for one misbehaving kid is getting old.

I think you have something there about being angry because of their own lack of ability.

I’ve had it happen a few times bicycling where a normally speeding motorist has to pass me and then can’t make through a curve as fast as I can immediately thereafter. Then they get angry when I verbalize my annoyance with them or

The problem with lying about the height is then people will start to think all the warning signs are lying by the same amount. Becomes more likely as the practice of underposting the signs spreads. Just look what it’s done for speed limits.

When things get to a certain point there is just no obeying the government edicts without starting over. That would be a whole new vehicle regardless of what name they put on it.

The bicyclist is clearly looking for the best lines and at those speeds he can be where ever in the lane he wants to be regardless. Now keep in mind the best line for a bicyclist also has to do with pavement conditions we can’t see in the video.

Then one day the volvo succumbed to chronic over heating caused by restricted air flow through the grill.

But insurance policies typically state the annual miles expected. So unless you’ve intentionally purchased a policy with a maximum that doesn’t match your actual usage twice a year reporting of the odometer can only help or do nothing.

The beauty is it’s all true.... Actually a well cared for unmolested weekend track car is probably better than the little old lady church on sunday car.

Are we talking someone accessing it in real time over some sort of network, the value being recorded periodically (a couple times a year or so) in service (or insurance) records, or are we talking about someone looking through the window?

Mustangs are wild horses so that’s no mustang.

Personal attack? No, that’s not a personal attack, it’s my opinion and clearly labeled as such. It’s an opinion based in evidence. This website basically sucks Elon Musk’s dick with the articles it puts out and you can’t detect the bias in them.

You don’t scrutinize jack shit nor do you even know how. You socially

“everyone would do what Ford did, which was build a racecar for which they sold a minimal number of production cars.”

Let me guess... dry summer performance tires with a wet rating of approximately zero? Or worse, track tires.

This intersection in chicago doesn’t have bike lanes, just general travel lanes. (per most recent google street view image) As such one simply waits behind traffic already in the queue in the right lane as per the law previous to the recent changes to allow bicycle gutter passing.

We know what he wasn’t doing.

There are two small screws under the hood near the firewall on the column. These keep the ford column three speed bits from getting out sync. If they come out then you’ll get problems like that.