
The reactor was destroyed before it could be fueled and brought into operation. IIRC, the Israelis stepped up their timetable to execute the mission before there would be danger of nuclear fallout.

From what I gathered from the article, the “evidence” boils down to a difference of opinion on authenticity. It’s a race car and tracking the authenticity of the parts used therein are not as easy to trace as that of a production road car.

I agree. Requesting the evidence is a prudent response to a claim like this and FICA FRIO should have worked with Seinfeld. Punitive damages would require FICA FRIO to prove that Seinfeld deliberately intended to rip off the buyer. If the car is authenticated by multiple independent authorities as being genuine, the

I submit this as the sickest burn of any president’s tenure in American history. The North Koreans didn’t just send millions of us to Merriam-Webster for an explanation, they added an archaic word to our present lexicon. The majority of us looked at that definition and slowly nodded because they nailed it.

P.J. O’Rourke reviewed the EB110 for Automobile Magazine. It appeared as a chapter in one of his writing collections and it’s a wonderful read.

“Russian state news media is reporting...” There’s your clue right there. I’ll file this one under the same alarmist bullshit regarding their new ultra-quiet submarine.

I agree with you on the overstyling, but there are elements that I like - especially on the first Bumblebee. The headlights, mirrors, rear brake ducts and spoiler look quite nice to me.

God help me, I like it. I wouldn’t buy it, but I respect the effort.

There are times I feel for people in broadcast. A story like this require gravitas and you don’t want to mangle someone’s name when making an announcement like this.

I didn’t like the Aston Martin for the same reason. But I do like the hot rod you can make out of the Corvette. I wouldn’t buy it for me, but I would for my son when he’s old enough.

The restraining order isn’t just a deterrence. It puts on record that the accused aggressor has harassed the victim and the harasser is then known to police. If there’s an incident or encounter after this, it’s justification for an arrest. If she defends herself with deadly force, she has additional justification for

Yeah, but as a Democrat I’m fully willing to jettison Mike Madigan from his seat. He’s running a little fiefdom that’s a big part of why Springfield is so utterly f’d up.

Darn. I was seriously hoping Kolfage would use the money to buy a yacht. It would be both sweet and fitting given the con-man who inspired this.

Right. I totally agree. This is why many police departments have protocols for dealing with fleeing suspects, but that only mitigates outcomes like this one. We don’t live in a perfect world, but I prefer to be in one where the police step up to protect victims and capture perpetrators. The thing is, when police work

I hate to be that guy, but...

IIRC, there’s a USB outlet in there to connect your phone for Android/CarPlay

No low ballers. I know what I have!

That’s some used upholstery right there.