
I’m well aware of that.

Along with the high beltlines for crash survivability and mandates requiring reverse cameras on every car, rearward vision is no longer a priority in styling design. You can still see what’s behind you when you’re on the road, but you don’t have to turn around to back up anymore. Even the Miata has a reverse camera.

This full-on Black Mirror/Orwell's 1984 come to life. There won't even be a word for rebellion. 

From the moment I first laid eyes on it and everyday since then, this car was, is and always will be COOL.

I’m thankful for my dad’s 79 Corvette. He bought it used from a kid who needed tuition money and had NO IDEA what was under the hood when he got it. It was straightpiped with an Edelbrock intake and a GIANT carburetor on top. The sumbitch could pull it over the top in fourth gear. This is where I learned to drive

Can we get Steve Lehto to weigh in on this? 

Maybe someone from the USPS can chime in here, but as I understand it, the carriers are paid to complete their rounds. They work that round until it’s done. Skipping traffic with a little off-roading means going home a lot sooner. Everyone bitches about how slow the mail is. This carrier is doing their part to put an

no No NO! HELL NO to this crack pipe!

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You have some interesting thought exercises. That torture scene always seemed weird to me, too - But I do like it when writers play on giving androids some humanity. It would be difficult for viewers to develop a connection with characters - or for a writer to develop a character’s arc at all - if there’s no humanity

Reminds me of Steven Wright.

Harsh, bro. I guess writing for UCI pays enough to put you firmly in upper management, AKA Porsche territory, Macan county. That house in 911 county is out unless you take out that 86 month car loan.

This is one of those post where “crack pipe” is an exaggeration. I’m sitting on my hands over the price - but only because I’m not a big fan of the 318. For someone really into them, this is a great price. You won’t find any other examples out there where you can bring it up to these specs without spending more in

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If you haven’t yet read Blind Man’s Bluff, stop what you’re doing and go get a copy. The Russian Navy was always, ALWAYS inferior to the USN. Their subs were noisy, poorly built and maintained even worse. Funny story - After Reagan was elected, he ordered the Navy to show them we could eliminate their undersea

I had a TL. Same vintage. It’s not just a good looking car. They’re very well made. Had mine for 150k miles. Aside from the consumables, the only thing it needed was gas, tires and oil. I miss it.

Counterpoint: Scott Adams created a comic strip to vent his frustrations about life in a cubicle and rode that success into areas he has no business offering commentary because is a libertarian jackass. I’m assuming Novak had a posting quota to meet because correlation musings aren’t funny. Not even ironically funny.

LOL. Different ride experience. My wife likes the height, winter performance and safety ratings. I would have been okay with a Honda Odyssey.