
It’s not just that. The term “Sex Offender” conjures the worst from our imagination. There are many sex offenders who were convicted of statutory rape because one of the parents didn’t approve of the relationship. Should the guy who married his “victim” be prevented from attending conferences with his child’s teacher

One of the two drivers drifted from their lane. boom - pit maneuver.

My thoughts exactly. I would love to find a C3 in solid shape and make it my own. Fiberglass and chrome bumpers, big block power with a little machine shop polish. In my state, anything built before 1996 gets a pass on emissions testing. you can mod to your heart’s content and the Man don’t care.

Now playing

Whenever I see race walking, all I think of is Malcolm in the Middle. I’m also calling bullshit on the 6 minute walking mile. As per Hal on Malcolm, one foot must be touching the ground at all times. That walking mile record holder ran that mile. Awkwardly.

Haven’t watched the video yet, but if I recall correctly, the C4 didn’t have a transaxle, so it was front heavy. Fit, finish and materials were much nicer on the nissan as well.

The problem is those that do get into accidents do so in spectacular fashion and call into question whether the entire technical venture is worth the effort. If you give people technology that allows them the convenience to check their phone while driving, they will twittle and bookface when they should be driving.

I have to admit - it’s a brilliant idea. The mayor is a party pooper, but like most adults admonishing children, he knows what’s best for the city. Draining hydrant pressure is bad. Had the neighbors used tap water from garden hoses, the city would at least collect on the water used.

Holster your guns, SJW. When you go out looking for racism, you’ll find it- even when it isn’t there. The word originates from a term for coffee.

Hi Maddie. Who’s Evan?

I don’t hate it, but as a network admin, I have lots of users who are just not that savvy with Windows and only know enough to get things done. Changing the OS means retraining dozens of people on where to find things. It’ll be easier to do later as those users purchase new home computers and teach themselves to

That is nightmare fuel.

My father is guilty of this. On the plus side, I did get to drive it. It was the 80s. Times have changed. As fun as it was for me when I was little, he’s admitted it wasn’t a bright thing to do.

He’s a better brother than the ones I have. I’d never hear the end of it if I screwed up that bad.

Let’s see how quick you hit the brakes after being awoken from peaceful slumber when your car is blaring at you in an attempt to get you to retake the wheel.

What a long-winded way to describe “falling asleep at the wheel.” I love technology, but human nature will always be a factor. If you make something safer, people become reckless in the belief that they are protected.

I attended a competing boarding school in New Hampshire. If I recall correctly, it established a formal sexual harassment policy in 1988 while I was there. If your conduct as a student was found to be in violation of that policy, you were expelled - at the very least. That’s the understanding I drew from it anyway.

This is why the only luxury sport utility vehicle I will own is a restomodded Jeep Wagoneer. Some seam welding, new interior leather, banging stereo, cushy suspension, big brakes. only I need to know what I have.

All I know is for that kind of money, I’d rather restomod an old Jeep Wagoneer. Nothing else on the road today looks like one of those. In my state, anything built before 1996 doesn’t need a diagnostic port for emissions.

Sounds like a lot, but the total sales of the Model S is over 100,000 units. That’s 10,000 miles per unit sold. Granted, not all of owners have opted in on autopilot, but Tesla is selling other models which I assume will also have that capability. Shouldn’t take exceedingly long to reach a billion miles of real world