
Being the original owner of a ‘91, this made me smile.

My mechanic in Chicago has two of them. Both under 100k miles. They're naturally aspirated, but both in excellent condition. (He's a Porsche specialist) Keep looking. You'll find one.

“Put it in a bag.” How many of you thought of pouring it into a plastic bag tied off with a straw? What a ridiculous request.

If the car is reliable and relatively easy to work on, that means lower cost to own. If it’s a 100,000+ mile BMW with questionable service record and you’re looking for a daily driver, move on. Engine work is expensive on any car, but you have to be ready to spend money if it’s a premium brand. Parts are ridiculously

The Cessna ended up in the driveway after the owner, 69-year old Harold Guretzky had to give up his pilot’s license for health reasons. Rather than paying $150/month to store the plane, he removed the wings and had it flat-bedded to his driveway.

Steve - one question about disclosure: What form should said disclosure take? From the comments I’m reading here, it would seem to make the most sense to both orally disclose facts about the vehicle to the buyer and have a prepared bill of sale detailing those points. When an agreement on price is reached, fill in the

So I simply found a new place, cancelled the yet-to-be-deposited check I’d sent her, and left a phone message telling her to keep the security deposit and that I was moving out. I never heard from her again. Serenity now, as they say.

Antifreeze in the windsheild washer reservior. Which I discovered on the test drive when I tried to clean the windshield. I immediately whipped a u-turn, returned the car, jumped in my car and peeled out of there.

I had no idea. I never get that far. Between the skip ad button and Safari’s reader mode, I’ve never finished it.

Ever heard of the Entertainment Book? It’s a collection of discounts for restaurants, hotels, attractions and the like. I worked at a ski resort in the Vail Valley. It wasn’t quite ski-in, ski-out, but it was a short walk to the lifts. Here’s the thing… Vail has a summer season. Summer season can be slow, so some

I was with Progressive in the mid 2000s when I got a speeding ticket (nothing felonious - I was moving with traffic) in Wisconsin. They jacked up my rate more than the ticket cost. I paid the ticket rather than contest in court which could have brought the insurance rates down. Talk about a scam. It was as if the

I grew up in Glenview, IL. There was a naval air station there until the 90’s. Nothing like having F-14’s fly over your home in high visibility livery. I’m sure my mom hated it, but I was an 11 year old boy hooked on military planes. Lots of people would sit on the north frontage road just outside the fence to watch

I once got shushed by a woman for talking during “God Bless America”, a song never sung at the ball games until after 9/11. Granted, this was just after 9/11 and people were feeling wounded and angry. They don’t do this all the time anymore, but I was at the White Sox game on the 4th and they sang it at the stretch.

This is to Jon, the last letter writer:

Me as well. Mayyyybe just a little less low. My eyes widened at immediately at first glance. The color is fantastic for that patina and if the well-worn look should fall out of favor, you have a solid foundation for a custom repaint.

My mother and I were having lunch one day when I told her a story about a terrible old man I had recently worked with. He was mean to everyone. His kids, the staff at the retirement facility, passers by - everyone. I wondered aloud what makes people behave like that toward others.

Drove some of that in my Miata a few years back. It’s worth the leisurely pace with the top down on a nice day, but yeah - 45 is slow if you’re trying to get somewhere.

I live in Chicago. I long ago stopped paying attention to the speed limit and just followed traffic. The overwhelming majority of drivers never observe the 55 limit. 70 is common here.

“Unfortunately, this event is always held at an off-site location, and most of the employees can’t make it because their differentials blew out on the way there.”

Lol. Got mine new at 19. Still drive it 24 years later.