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Hybrid technology is a good thing and I'm glad to see that car makers are developing technologies to make us less dependent on fossil fuels. For city and suburb dwellers, there isn't a pressing need for a gasoline powered car when an electric vehicle will do. The problem is electric vehicles are hampered with short

But they use less gas when doing it. Occasionally, you'll meet a driver who is holier than thou about his fuel usage, but for the most part the Prius is perfect for commuting and is just driven by people with slightly different priorities than our own. That's cool with us.

I always hate it when the show makes me feel sorry for that insufferable prick. For Peter Campbell, pride and ego always overrides his sense of propriety. It's his tragic flaw.

While you are correct in your basic assessment, event the "ugh" Corvettes have serious potential in the right hands. Even the later C3s and all of the C4s. I've you've never seen a Grand Sport 80 or anything touched by Lingenfelter Performance Engineering, you should have a look. GM's cost cutting made the Corvette

This is awful. Are there any pilots on here? My understanding about flight rules with air shows is that the planes have to respect a border with the spectators. They can fly alongside the spectator line, but never intersect with it. This is obviously for spectator safety. They are allowed to cross the spectator

I know I'm painting with a broad brush here, but idiots like that guy are just one the reasons I don't ride. I watched that video and - forgive me internet - chuckled at that guy's stupidity. A few years ago I saw a bike messenger make a left on red without stopping, hit cab and go ass over teakettle onto the

Anyone figure out what state that tag is from? I can understand winter storage, but it's JUNE. Time to stretch her legs a bit.

I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the Fiero. To me it was always the car that was *almost* great. It was as if GM didn't know what it had until it was gone. GM seemed to revel in coming up with great ideas and always cheaped out on the details. Who cares how great a car is if everything in the cabin is

Shut your mouth!

My friend Alex received a new Volkswagen Jetta from his dad. Beautiful, top of the line model - very quick. So quick that Alex just couldn't resist showing me on St. Charles Avenue in New Orleans. For those who don't know, St. Charles is a beautiful road with a streetcar line on a very broad median lined with

The very same thing happened to me. The New Orleans police department ticketed me for overstaying the two hour time limit - even though I left for lunch and came back AND parked on the opposite side of the road by Audubon Park. I contested the ticket, to which they responded exactly as they did with you - PAY UP.

I got stuck in a traffic jam last year on I-70 in eastern Ohio. I lost my patience with the traffic and backed up to the exit. (I was lucky to be just a few car lengths past it) I took several miles of local roads to the next exit with the help of my GPS. When I say local, I mean country. Some roads were not

That'll certainly help them connect with the people during criminal investigations. The NYPD seems to be dead set on destroying all the goodwill they built up with the citizens after their September 11th heroics. Between that law and "Stop & Frisk", the city is going to become a racial powder keg.

"Wanna know what's a crime? Whoever defaced that work of art by painting it that color... ought to have his ass removed." -Nick Pulovski, "The Rookie" (Clint Eastwood 1990)

I realize I'm charging at windmills with this, but "implosion" is a very specific physical event. It can be defined as the concentration of matter in the process of creating critical mass in a nuclear explosion. It can be defined as a hull failure in a submarine causing it to be crushed by hydrostatic pressure.

The injustice is in their lack of education. Anyone with a basic grasp of algebra should be able to figure out the total on a rent-to-own deal. Laws were changed a while back to tell people what the total of the payments would be at the end of the contract. What people don't do is compare the retail total against

There is a certain level of social injustice that the poorest among us pay the most for things, but those in that situation need to prioritize their finances accordingly. What happens when you need major repairs? I can't imagine a car with rental tires not having some major component near the breaking point.

Oh, man. I cannot say enough good things about Nike Dri Fit. Super thin, easily packed, washes quick and dries even faster. I pack one or two sets of evening clothes and the rest is tech material for easy maintenance. Road trips in sports cars call for clothing versatility. Pack everything well and you'll have

Well put. The guy in the video with the 4th gen Supra yesterday learned that the hard way. More power, more mods, more fixes, always unsatisfied. A true car enthusiast is never completely satisfied, but enjoys the hell out of what they have.

I would say I relearned an old automotive maxim: Cheap, Fast, Reliable - pick two and pay with (or give up) the third. It's difficult to get all three without thorough research. I own a modded Miata and while I have mechanical interests, I don't have the skills to maintain it on my own. I'm happy to say I have good