
Kodachrome has been around since the mid 30s. It was expensive and thus not widely used. These Gemini program was in the mid 60s. Color photography was more affordable for consumers, but not for large scale publications. I'm far more amazed by the people and technology in the photos than the photos themselves.

I know. Totally awesome - if only it were safe as well as viable.

I read somewhere that the Wankel rotary engine was ideal for hydrogen. The design is far less likely to backfire. Would be great to extract gas from water. The real danger is in the transportation of liquid or compressed hydrogen, not the controlled combustion. Too bad. Mazda would have been psyched.

At first I agreed with the headline, but after some consideration I'd let this slide. It's got dual rear wheels, a club cab AND a long bed. If I drove that behemoth, I'd try to be polite and park it out of the way. I'd also wrap the thing with my company logo and website info. If you're going to drive something as

There was a book a couple years ago by a fellow named Paul Jury called "States of Confusion". He went on an epic road trip through all of the continental United States. His goal was to drive through each of the 48 states, even if it was only a few miles, and do something in each of those states. If I recall

Hey, growing up in my family, if you don't ask, you don't get. I have a few siblings and competing for attention wasn't always easy. We're all grown up now and when the holidays roll around dad will usually ask if there's anything we need. We are all not wanting for much, which is a good thing. Back in 06, I was

Mr. Vik obviously draws a lot of water in his town. If Michael Bloomberg or Warren Buffet didn't want a speed bump on the only road to their homes, I doubt they'd have trouble getting them removed either. You might as well title the article "Another Rich Man Gets His Way".

Stop. Flashers on. Call 911 with your location. Provide mile markers or exit proximity. If there's no immediate danger to the crash victim and they're able to move, help them from the car. If their neck appears injured, tell them to stay put.

No texting, checking email or fiddling with your cell phone when I'm the passenger. Rode in my friend's new car this weekend and he was messing with his iPhone 5. He's not experienced with the iPhone or Siri, so he thought he'd try to figure it out while driving in city traffic.

Believe me, I looked for one. It was from something I read years ago in print and it's not online now. Ernhardt was a very aggressive driver and took a lot of risks on the track. He would often turn in hard and hope the car sticks. It's the reason he had so many fans and even people like me who were not into

I've had lots of fights with lots of girlfriends. None of them ended up looking like this because as frustrating as it can be to fight with a woman, I use my words. It has been said that the first one to throw a punch is the first one who ran out of words. If I can't use my words with any effectiveness or run out

They never did. NA and NB Miatas had similar wiring. forum.miata.net will have all the info you need.

Yes. As I heard it, he took one look at the HANS and said "they're for pussies". Killed by his own machismo. And the accident was far from a "freak" accident. He was going around a track with several other cars in close proximity and nosed into the wall. The forward delta-v was -100 mph. If you hit a wall at

Agreed. As stupid, ostentatious and contemptuous as this is, a very heavy fine would be a more fitting punishment. In the end, no one was hurt and nothing was damaged other than a few misguided children.

Kiwi, you've discounted the contribution of the SR-71 far too much. Most SR-71 missions are and will remain classified for decades to come. The plane has been retired for over 15 years and the government will STILL not disclose how fast it was. You can call it a waste of money if you want to. Everyone is entitled

I can deal with your nitpickiness, but I doubt people would be comfortable boarding the Concorde if it leaked jet fuel all over the tarmac during boarding. That means heat expansion on the Concorde was far less pronounced and they were able to keep the fuel cells sealed. One can only surmise that since the SR-71

We took a family trip to Disney World this year and rented two minivans to carry everyone and everything to the house we rented. First thing after we settled was separate those keys so we could share the cars. They don't care if you clip the ring. They just want to get both sets of keys back and like McMike said,

I can understand the sentiment, but the Soviets could never muster the engineering that went into the A-12/SR-71. A plane so powerful that (exceeding Mach 3.2) that NOTHING could touch it. A plane so fast that the friction of air passing over it would heat this skin and it would grow a few inches in flight. From

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Nice I suppose. This commercial came out, like, 25 years ago and I still remember it clearly. For a 12 year old kid sitting just a few feet from the TV, it grabs you.

I'll cut this woman a lot of slack. Unless you're a car person, you're not likely to know how much a Ferrari costs. Like the old saying goes, if you have to ask - you can't afford it.