
Ugh I hope not. The whole reason that beginning is hilarious is because it comes out of nowhere, a few panels of smiles and love, and then 'OUT THE FUCKING WAY!!' and splat, gone and he's there comedically holding her arms. Hilarious black comedy gold. But like you said they'll probably flesh out that relationship for

That was one of the first things that irked me about the Preacher show, in the book they've left the town in less than ten pages with only a passing mention of the people in the town other than Arseface and Root. The show decided to make an entire season out of those less than ten pages, fleshing out backstory for an

I'm a passing fan of the book, I think Ennis has done way better, it always felt like a hodgepodge of ideas to me so I wasn't particularly looking forward to the show. Tried season one, thought it was awful. Read reviews that it was getting better and tried starting season 2. Same goofy style, same terrible acting.

I'd rather not but thanks for the hookup.

People are pretty respectful in the comments and the reviewer only usually compares what's happening in the show right now to what's happening in the books at the same time (roughly), but there's barely any spoilers that I've noticed and they're always inconsequential if they're there.

I'm at a loss as to how you can fuck up a FF movie. It's four characters with superpowers that anyone with an imagination should be able to pull some amazing set pieces out of, their powers could be combined in all kinds of interesting ways on screen, and they have some decent villains to contend with, we still

I would argue that AoS is a show that has gotten better with every season, and better as a show not tied to the MCU timeline, with the last season being a solid A all the way though. I read they're slashing AoS's budget and episode amount next season to fund and make room for Inhumans which if true is a damn crime.

Even though I haven't read the books, I prefer the 'Experts' review every week over this one (no offense to the writer). This one is more of a slapdash recap, where the other delves a little deeper.

For me season 3 felt like Hawley wrote a bunch of words on pieces of paper and pulled them from a bag. 'Twins', 'Bulimic', 'Parking Lot', 'Bridge', 'Invisible', 'Technology', 'Fraud', 'Parole', 'Bowling Alley, 'God', 'Air Conditioner', 'Glue', 'DJ Qualls', '70's Science Fiction Novelists'

Julia Goolia?

You rub metal on metal, you gonna get friction.

Moon Unit Zappa would like a word.

Wait…his son is called…Rolan Bolan?

C3PO had a red arm so they could sell yet another version of the toy.

My Dad is a Karate instructor, he had started a couple years before The Karate Kid came out in 84 and had just passed his black belt and opened his own string of classes when the movie came out. He had packed kids classes for months and months because of this movie. Same spike in interest when the second one came out.

I am amazed at how for she´s gotten on average TV actress skills.

Someone somewhere has already suggested rebooting all these shows into a shared universe, I can feel it in that dark part of my soul.

This is the musical equivalent of those insurance scam videos you see where some dude half rolls on the hood of a car barely moving. Kanye the Compo Scammer.

For me personally, WWE has been as dull as dishwater for a long long time. I very rarely watch the weekly shows these days, maybe catch the bigger PPV´s but mostly I just came here for recaps to keep my nose in the game but now these recaps are ending, I´ll probably just let WWE sail on. There´s just not enough going

Personally I´d head straight to Independent Worm Saloon.