
I hope this doesn´t suck like the albums released by other 90´s bands after years long hiatuses. Soundgarden´s one sucked, Faith No More´s one sucked. I´m onboard, but skeptically.

What´cha doin?
Chewin chocolate
Where´dya get it?
Doggy dropped it
Carry on….

At the end of Layer Cake our drug dealing anti-hero isn´t dead, silly, and is whisked away by the 00 program, which is actually like the Kingsman thing but for crims, caught cold for the murder of that old bloke in the garden for some reason and forced into being a brutal thug spy called James Bond yadda yadda

So the only ones that don't suck are they ones the have no creative say in haha

Oh god you've probably willed it into existence now :(

I'm struggling to think of a Sony movie that hasn't been shit.

Did his wanger have a lil red cape tied around it? One pube shaped like a conspicuous S?

Didn't they have a single one of his pubes holding up a one ton weight in one of the movies? I maybe be fuzzy on the pubes but it was definitely his hair. What would win out of a fight between Superman's pubes and his lazer heat vision? Only a gay porn parady can tell us.

Nice burn, a side burn if you will.

You can bank on this comment having a very tenuous link to yours.

I like some gnarly 70´s garage rock bands, is this band for real, cos all google is bringing up is Male-Meat-Meets near me :\

They´re spending hundreds of $millions a year maintaining 234 golf courses around the world, this seems the least of their financial worries.

Nothing to prove huh? Prove it!

The Fall to me have always been the same as Melvins. A band with a decades long career that I literally cannot fathom why anybody likes.

Personally I´d rather live in a world where people can identify as any gender they choose or no gender at all if it suits them over the lunkhead Jocks in Boston with no grasp on geography who identify as Irish.

Trump reckons there would be tremendous medical costs to trans people being in the military? Yeah cos trans people say that all the time don´t they, ¨I would like to have the surgery to become what I was born to be…I know, I´ll join the Army!" Ferfucksakes :(

There aren't many characters on tv or in film that get me so worked up that I would literally take a knife to them. Nurse Ratched, the religious woman from The Mist and now, Aunt Lydia. All power to the actresses who played these women so incredibly well to illicit a murderous rage from me as the viewer.

To each his own. Fnar.

Even the ones in Monster?

I take it they don't film in LA then haha, that would be cruel!!