

It wouldn´t surprise me if these incidents of faux outrage are started by the studios themselves for free publicity like you say. In the music industry, albums with parental advisory stickers always used to sell better and rumor was that labels were pushing bands to swear on their albums just to get the sticker. It

(This rambling drivel will go somewhere relevant to your comment I promise)....

It takes hours just to get notifications from comments on this awful thing, I wouldn´t be surprised if the writer posted the article with plenty of time to spare and this shite system didn´t get it pushed out in time what with the plethora of other sites pouring through the same system.

Welp. I tried y´all. This Kinja changeover has effectively killed AV Club and the comments sections for me. It´s impossible to navigate this shitty new site layout, notifications take hours to show up, comments I make don´t show up in my ´feed´, it´s just completely unusable. So I´m out. Thanks to anyone who engaged

I remember reading a book about this plane crash in school and the part that stayed with me the most was the maggot gouging, if I remember correctly she used a piece of metal from the crash to try and dig them out. Oof :(

The issue I´m having with Kinja is that it invariably takes hours and hours to get a notification on my cell phone, they definitely don´t come through instantly on my PC either so it´s difficult to keep any kind of conversation going. At least with Disqus I would get notifications almost instantly so I could pop back

I´m happy that a female character got the lead in a superhero movie, I´m happy a female director got a crack at a huge budget blockbuster. But if you flip the sex of the main hero back to male and run it through in your head, it´s a pretty standard story for the genre. It didn´t break the mold or reinvent the wheel in


There definitely is a crossover point for these people in terms of level of success and being part of the actual real world. They reach a certain amount of wealth and fame and they just don´t interact with the world like normal people anymore. It´s like Dr Manhatten in Watchmen losing touch with humanity after gaining

NO I DON´T! (I do).

Would you say Hickman´s FF was the last good run or should I continue into the stuff after (FF)?

^The real crime here

^The real crime here

$85 a month plus around $40-$50 for your plan, so you´re looking at about $150-$170 with taxes and fees to pay per month for two years. That´s a large chunk of monthly income being munched on right there.

This week my pull list was all but empty so I finally got around to finishing Brian K Vaughan´s Ex Machina and I also had a blast with Hickman´s FF run which I avoided at the time and now wish I hadn´t.

Not to come here to just complain but I don´t think I´ve ever enjoyed a full episode of Saturday Night Live, I can´t even say there´s been one that has been more than 50% enjoyable. There´s usually one sketch that has a great gag in it but they´ll make an 8 min thing out of a 2 second punchline and hammer it over and

They did the same thing with rape and sexual violence a few years back, and to a certain extent with sudden shocking graphic violence (heads being stamped in out of nowhere etc) and they went ham with the C word all over everything a while back too. It´s almost like it´s a narrative bandwagon writers want to shoehorn

AV Club suggested I check out a video on one of their 'sister sites' of two trashy women fighting in a Florida Walmart earlier. This is of course what people who appreciate the nuance of film really wanna see.

AV Club suggested I check out a video on one of their 'sister sites' of two trashy women fighting in a Florida Walmart earlier. This is of course what people who appreciate the nuance of film really wanna see.