
In some ways it must just come down to the simple fact that it costs money to fly a British actor out to LA and put him up in an apartment for 6 weeks as opposed to finding an actor already living in the area. A quick write out and they´ve saved ten G.

He turned into Ryan Goose

You could say he was a flash in Caitlin´s pants.

Quantum and Woody yeah!!! One of them loves the superhero garb, the other just wore jeans and a t shirt and hated the lame-o pageantry of it all. Hilarious. I remember reading that one first time around and started the recent reboot but trailed off because so so many books to keep up with.

Was Archer and Armstrong the guys with the arm bands they have to clang together every 24 hours or am I confusing them with another two dudes?

I've tried with Valiant's books but there's just nothing there that interests me at all :(

Agreed mate. I get my head stuck in the clouds regarding these rich crims and sometimes forget that change happens right here in my town if I want it to. I'm gonna be volunteering the new Chili on Wheels chapter in Boston with some pals this month, they make up huge vats of vegan chili and feed the homeless. Super

Haha I´m as far from a right wing conspiracy nut as it gets. I´m a left wing conspiracy nut.

I highly recommend The Crossing Guard if only for the performances of Jack Nicholson, David Morse and Angelica Huston.

$126,000 of first class flights for Penn and his crew paid for out of charity money supposedly for Haitians.

Aw man the comment was deleted. Now I really wanna know what they wrote!!

Rothschild´s have around $500 billion of actual wealth but I´m sure they and many other wealthy families own a good few $trillion of the money stashed in the Cayman Islands etc. I should probably research numbers further than one website that jives with my preexisting bias haha but hey, point remains, they could do a

Consider this. The entire world debt for every country combined is $64 trillion. The Rothschild family alone has a net worth of $500 trillion. Which means they could eliminate all debt in the world and feed, clothe and house the poor of the entire world many times over and still be the richest family on earth. But

You're a nice dickhead tho

The British Royal family take £millions out of the U.K. economy every year to add to their already obscene wealth, use tax payer money to upkeep their lavish mansions and castles, and own uranium and mineral mines in some of the poorest countries in the world where people live in abject poverty and slavery and die on

"I don't care how many people Nutrasweet (aspartame) kills, I want it on the market"

We're truly living in a 1984 truthspeak world. They say it's not a ban on Muslims but it is, they say it's not discriminatory against LGBT but it is. They do one thing and say it's the other and if you call them on it, you're fake news.

I have a list in my head of all the shitheads in the world. The entire Rothschild family are on there as are most of the big money families, the Royal family in England, Kissinger, the Bush's, Ann Coulter, Any of the Fox News scum. Any time one of them dies, I have a lil dance. Just a lil boogie to celebrate the world

I was born in the UK and lived there until the age of 30 under the NHS before moving to Massachusetts to marry my wife and start out family and I can say without a shadow of a doubt the American system is nothing more than a con. The few times I have had to use an ER in the US I have waited just as long as I would